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Hi ladies was just wondering if anyone has tried magnesium to help them sleep .Been looking up about it and some say that some are hard to digest just wanted to know which one mite be best

Thanks xx


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Magnesium glycinate. Read up about it. I take it.
    • Posted

      Thank you will do getting fed up not having a good night sleep.

      Take care


  • Posted

    Magnesium flakes for the bath are fantastic! Very relaxing and aids sleep.

    Apparently, it's better absorbed through the skin, so one of the best ways to use it.

    • Posted

      Thank you, no herd of this where can you get this from ?

      Take care


    • Posted

      I get mine from Holland and Barrett or Tkmaxx.. if your"e in the uk..also look online x

  • Posted

    Hi Paula, you can use magnesium in several ways. I tried powder form but guaging the dose meant that I spent some time in the loo!I now take magnesium tissue salts,easy to take and work well. I also used magnesium night spray when I had total insomnia.....hormones!Absolutely saved my sanity and probably my life. I sleep for at least seven hours a night now! Go for it!
  • Posted

    Magnesium Oil at health food stores.  Rub it on your lower legs before bed.  Works for me

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