Making me crazy
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If this process doesn't do me in, nothing will. Am I the only one this is happening to . I will have what I call a "gush" Just sudden bleeding out of nowhere. I may have some light pink discharge prior. With the bleeding are clots. This doesn't last long. Maybe an hour with 4 or 5 clots, then back to almost nothing light pinkish on tissue When wiping. This may occur twice a day or be several days or up to a month in between. It is stressing me so bad.
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lou44 Bassilli
Bassilli lou44
kim35797 Bassilli
Palenaka Bassilli
Bassilli Palenaka
Palenaka Bassilli
reva31742 Bassilli
Haven't had that yet, but had some heavy periods last year and found out I had polyps. Had them removed. Now I have spotting for like a week before I am supposed to start and I get very moody then too. Even with these new vitamins. Almost through the first bottle, but hopefully, I will stabilize out more I don't know. I've heard from a friend, that she would have gushing sometimes. I'm so ready to be done!
CarolKelso Bassilli
Do you have fibroids in your womb or a history in family? I'd awful bleeding with cramping and major clotting.. I'm not saying you have but can be a ultrasound will show if you have... Hope you feel better soon.. CK
kelly55079 Bassilli
Yes.. It's awful!! I will have my period and it will end in a few days with a day of nothing.. Then all of a sudden a heavy flow out of nowhere which a couple times I was not prepared.. My friend didn't have her period for 6 months then out of nowhere a heavy flow came when she was out walking. It's just maddening
HayleyW75 Bassilli
Bassilli HayleyW75
Is this a daily thing for you? I'm sooo exhausted from all if it. Never know when or how long.
HayleyW75 Bassilli
Bassilli HayleyW75
Bassilli HayleyW75
Does this sound totally crazy - I will have a small gush and clots suddenly and then tapering off to almost nothing, just very light pink then next day it happens again. Has happened for last 3 days in a row. Before it does this, I get so anxious and nervous it will happen. I'm wondering if this stress can actually be causing this to happen. Strange it seems to have a pattern. Would appreciate any and all responses with what you have experienced.
HayleyW75 Bassilli