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Hi ladies,
well i attended my mammogram at our local breast screening clinic on Friday.
The clinicians were so nice, and did their very best to make me feel at ease. Though my breasts sre very tender the test was relatively pain free,...... as you lovely ladies had told me it would be. lots of fiddling and adjusting to get my breasts in the correct position.
They identified a small mass in my right breast but seemed to be confident that it was a cyst . They carried out a fine needle aspiration that has been sent to the lab, results should be here in 7-10 days. im not worrying unduly until the results come back.
i will keep you all updated whenni get my results.
thank you all for your lovely comments so far.
2 likes, 4 replies
lisa17089 diane07092
Hi diane
Just recently had my mammogram also, was not too bad. Everything seemed to be OK. Lots of lumps turn out to be cysts. Hope this is the case for you xxx
juanita93228 diane07092
Don't worry. The Tech told me that most masses turn out to be cysts or calcium deposits. I had three cysts back in 2002 they appeared one, but the other two were too small so they said they would watch them. They stayed the same size. So they just left them alone.
juanita93228 diane07092
"Aspirated one" stupid autocorrect.
sherri87081 diane07092
Prayers that your results come back good. Hugs to you.