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Hello ladies. Symptoms that i thought were gone, symptoms that i haven't seen since Jan or Feb 2019 have returned. For the past week i have terrible dizziness and nausea plus i am smelling a gas smell. Last night i had a bad panic attack in my sleep at around 1 o'clock last night. I first felt like i was falling in my sleep then i jolted out of my sleep with a full on panic attack. My ribs hurt, headaches, constipation plus i am waiting on my results from my ultrasound of my abdomen which is giving me anxiety. I have been having pain on my right side located below my ribs under my breast. I am hoping that it is not my gallbladder or my liver. I am struggling. I took off work for the next 2 days hoping to get some relief. Have any of you women had symptoms return after a long period of not having them ? It is such a disappointment.
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Keljo48 hopeforever
I get pains on my right upper side. I have also had it on my left. I had a full ultrasound on major organs of the body because of this and they found nothing other than a small cyst on my left kidney they believe is benign. I am to have it checked again in May to be sure. I have a slow gallbladder (HIDA scan a few years ago) and if I eat to much fat in my diet it will give me fits. I had a consultation with a surgeon about having it removed, but he didn't give me any confidence. So I decided to live with it.
But I still get stomach pains. I am post meno by the way.
Also I have had the vertigo too. Feels like I am on a rocking boat at times. It is better today and better when I am outside doing yardwork...until I come in. Drink plenty of water. Anxiety I probably don't need to say, but no caffeine is best. Chamomile tea helps. I take Chamomile in pill form because I don't want to be up constantly having to relieving my bladder when I try to sleep.
Hang in there.
hopeforever Keljo48
Thanks keljo for your reply. I am hoping that they find nothing because i refuse to get my gallbladder taken out . Things kinda eased up a bit since around noon but its always the calm before the storm. At night around 12.30 to 1 my hormones go crazy. I do not know why that is. I am dreading nights. I will tell my sister to drop off some camomile tea for tonight and hope for the better. Thanks again for your reply. You too hang in there.
nancys21 hopeforever
Just wondering why you won't have your gall bladder removed? I had a scan several years ago that showed sludge in my bladder. I have a dull pain in my right side constantly. Was certain it was my liver/hepatitis or worse. I don't want to go through surgery either. My mom had hers removed, and it took her a long time to recover.
jaynie08827 hopeforever
I described me almost to a tee I have a few extra like I feel like I'm not getting air but the rest yes to all..its crazy is not normal to feel this bad and I try to keep my anxiety at bay by constantly tryi g to tell myself it's lack of hormones.i have no answers nor do I feel good either. I have window a where im somewhat ok then back to my he'll. now with this virus thing my anxiety is through the roof..all I can say is ur not alone and hang in there I'll send a prayer for u...
hopeforever jaynie08827
Hello Jaynie. thanks for your reply. Its good to know that we are all in the same boat. Its so comforting to have somewhere to go and meet other women in your same situation. I too at times get the feeling of not having enough air. The breathing drives me crazy. And lets not start with the virus. I am keeping all at bay during this time. My anxiety cannot handle anything more. I am a complete mess at times. Hoping and praying for all of us. I too am sending you prayers
ackallday hopeforever
Absolutely to the pain under the right rib cage, I also had this on/off for the past few years. I also thought for sure that it was my gallbladder and the only thing that helps is taking Ibuprofen. I hear you on the breathing thing also, so weird and makes me feel like I am just not oxygenating. I also have the vertigo/feeling off balance sensation that comes and goes so much so that I sometimes feel like I couldn't walk in a straight line if I needed to! Why is perimenopause so hard? I know plenty of women that breeze through all of this with barely a complaint including my own mother. I even take HRT because I only have 1 ovary left. Ladies, thanks for listening to me and for offering this amazing space to vent.