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Found something online called mastalgia (I think it's on here) which almost exactly matched my symptoms. I have been experiencing pain in left breast and armpit and felt general lumpiness, sometimes with the pain\sensation running across my shoulder and down my arm. The breast seems fuller than the other one and is veiny, all of which were on the list for mastalgia.

Had it checked by docs and it all seems fine but it has scared me s***less so thought it worth sharing, in the hope it might help my fellow sufferers. Peace out x

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lara 

    i had this in peri, doctor back then told me it  was due peri meno ..

    it did all settle down after time 

    jay x

    • Posted

      Doh forgot to say 

      theres also Mastitis of the breast, tenderness etc - thats the word my doctor used, wasnt an infection in there, just tenderness due to crazy hormones ..

      wasnt taking any extra hormones or HRT either...

      big hugs 

      jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Jay and thanks for your comments.  Glad to hear it goes away eventually. It's really unpleasant.

      I had mastitus when breastfeeding so thought it was a recurrence of that but doc gave me antibiotics which didn't work. I say that, actually, but I finished the course yesterday morning and was still having a bit of pain in the afternoon but today haven't had any so far.  Maybe the antibiotics did something after all.

      Yeah, my doc said hormones. Still, he's sending me for a mammo in any case to check but he said he expects this to be clear. Fingers crossed.

      Hope all is good with you x

    • Posted

      Hi Lara 

      good idea to have a mammo..

      i have one every year ( 3D breast scan) with my full well women check ..

      it will put your mind at rest

      have a lovely weekend 

      jay x

    • Posted

      I had a mammo done a year ago and it was clear. 48 year old women are offered them in my area now, with the next one 3 years later, unless there are problems in between, like I'm having now. My doc said even if the mammo I'm about to have shows nothing bad, as he expects, it will be good to compare the results of the two. 

      You have a good weekend too x

  • Posted

    Thank you Lara for sharing!!!! I too have at times pain on my left breast, it started when I entired werid years!!! 

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