Maybe not yet menopausal? 😏

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Hi Ladies, well!...I've been feeling so crappy, really off /wobbly, woozy n not right, along with episodes of really bad emotional states with extreme sobbing & just not wanting to be here anymore ๐Ÿ˜ฉ ย hubby keeps saying he's sick of 'groundhog day' occurrences of how I am. Recently I found some old notes I made about my symptoms etc, in Nov. last year I had a very light hardly there period(forgot about that because it wasn't a full period)my last full proper period was July last year, does this mean then I haven't yet reached menopause? considering it hasn't been a year without periods yet, can all this hormonal upheaval reach a peak before levelling out? my Dr seems to think so, she seemed ho-hum about it all. Am I late being 55? are my symptoms etc normal? I'm feeling as though I'm never going to be free of all this & that I'm going to be somehow stuck in this horrendous sickening state for good....gets so bloody scary sometimes with weird headyness/dizziness, strange body feelings & crying outbursts. My older sister says get over it, you've got it for years, she hasn't had a jot of anything! my mother can't understand why I'm still not right....OMG! Am I terminally in a menopausal state? As said before, HRT isn't an option, will have to see what the Ob/Gyn says. Thnx for 'listening' ย ladies, I'm just in a sad scared state of woe. My symptoms, sorry for being, flushed then cold, shivery, BPspikes, tears, dark low moods, shakey, wobbly, woozy head, tight nervy stomach, strange sensations throughout body, low blood sugar feelings, feeling like something has come over me causing extreme emotions & I really normal? does all this stop?ย 

close your ears ladies, I'm being very unladylike...screaming obscenities at this crap! ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ค LoL

Take Care xo

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    bobbins, I am having a bad evening also. I'm dizzier than I've ever been. I feel so nervous too and my kids are aggravating me and making it worse. I am having chills and then hot flashes. My nervousnous makes me have diarrhea also. I just can't wait until bedtime!
    • Posted

      Hi how are? hope you're feeling better. If you can, give yourself some 'me time' just to chill n relax. It can be more than testing with everything that's happening to us etc...every 'edge' certainly gets frayed!

      Sending hugs ๐Ÿ˜Š be kind to yourself

    • Posted

      I'm feeling a lot better than I did last night. Thank you for asking. I just feel a little swimmy headed and nauseous. I hope you have a better day. I can't wait until this perimenopause phase is over.
  • Posted

    Wow ladies me too. Having the worst anxiety day today. Feel like I cant breath. Been in perimenopause eight years im 48 tomorrow.

    Periods all over the place. Two weeks late at the moment. Wondering if that's why my anxiety and acid reflux is so bad at the moment. I too wonder when this nightmare will end. I don't take hrt. History of breast cancer in the family. Seriously some days u just feel like I cant go on. Lets keep each other going. Its got tp pass at some point hasnt it?

    I know I still have a long way to go. Youve gone a year without a period hun so im guessing its at its worst for you.

    Sending hugs xc

  • Posted

    Hi everyone,I'm 46 and havnt a proper period for 5 months,I m also suffering dizziness,anxiety,acid reflux, not sleeping well and body pain,hot and cold flashes,I feel about 90.i get so anxious even when I m just doing housework,I ll do a few things then have to sit down because a panic attack will have started or I get so hot.I m stocking up on cod liver oil and some muscle rub and see if it helps my aches and pains.Onwards and upwards ladies we will get through this ๐Ÿ˜Šx
  • Posted

    Hi Bobbins. I'm 60 and post menopausal for around 4 years. My periods just stopped one month and never started again.

    I was prescribed a very low dose of vaginal HRT in July this year.

    It's mainly the depression, anxiety and panic attacks that are causing my main difficulties although I do have headaches and various aches and pains.

    Like yourself, Bobbins, I have the crying jags every so often too.

    Unfortunately, many of us go through a hell of different symptoms which no-one who hasn't had them cannot possibly understand.

    Tell your sister to be very thankful she was one of the lucky one's who sailed through menopause and not to judge what she knows nothing about. Tell your mother as well.

    We are all very different and suffer different problems. It will pass, I do believe that and tell myself so. It gets me so annoyed when people pontificate about something they have no experience of.

    Sorry for the rant but it's helpful to know you're not alone. xx

    • Posted

      Hi, yes I too agree! those who spout about 'get on with it' 'get over it' etc about any situation they've never experienced...sorry but it too Ps me off!....speaking my mind or having an emotional heart to heart with my mother or Sis is easier said than done...sigh...onwards n upwards as is said! LoL

      Take Care, here's to better daysย 

    • Posted

      Absolutely. Here's to better days, girls. I call us girls because in my physical body I might be 60 - but mentally? Well, let's just sayI don't feel I am. We're all here for each other. xx
    • Posted

      Hi me again

      Does any one else feel like they cant take a full breath. This week im feeling tight chested and breathless. Ive had this before on and off but am wondering is it because I havent had a period this month.

      Worst thing is im a carer and look after people with copd so ive convinced myself its my lungs. Im so miserable today and its my birthday today but dont feel much like celebrating.

      I cant go bck to my doctor again I think his fed up with me now

    • Posted

      Hi HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I'll celebrate with you ๐Ÿธ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿท๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‘ฏ we'll both be miserable together...did you just giggle?! LOL do hope you're feeling ok & that you were spoilt for your special day.ย 

      Take Care xo

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle, I have shortness of breath too and my chest feels tight. Not all the time but it is annoying. What the heck is that? Another symptom to add to the list? We will get through this somehow.

      Happy Birthday! Enjoy smile

  • Posted

    Hi bobbins

    As you seem to have a lot of experience in this menopause nightmare I have a question for you.

    Ive recently been diagnosed aneamic and stated on floradix an iron tonic with b vitamins.

    The last two days my anxiety has been extremely bad.

    I am wondering coukd it be that the b vitamins are causing my anxiety to be worse?

    Have you any experience with this.

    Or hopefully if not someone else might be able to shed some light.

    I had to leave work early today sooo anxious bordering on a panic attack

    • Posted

      Hi Michelle, I too have tried Floradix & multi B vitamins at different times but stopped them because of the anxiety, I have read that Bs can have an effect on & or create with some things, try & solve a problem & it creates another! ๐Ÿ˜ž The only tablets I take now are my herbal Harmony Menopause,ย but am wondering if they're still effective, I just don't know how I feel some days.

      Keep Well

    • Posted

      Hi hun

      Thanks for reply.

      I guess I will just have to go bck ro the ferrous gluconate the doctor prescribed. You think your trying a good thing and its slaps you in the facesad

      Im hoping without the b vitamins I might feel less anxious today. Fingers crossed. Yesterday was totally miserable. Hope you have a good day today x

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