Me again with another dose of paranoia! ...

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Hi ladies, I'm hoping someone can help. My period is usually 24 days ( well for the past couple of months) now it's gone to 29 days - never been that. I started today but yesterday had awful pain in my groin on the right hand side. Today it's been like a dull ache and my leg has been sore. Any takers? 

Also my sweats are getting ridiculous! Any time I eat anything got or if the weather warms up slightly. I don't go bright red just feel hot and sweat. Can't be doing with this! I have an enlarged gland on my neck ( been there for months) and that and the sweating are driving me nuts with anxiety

Anyone else had awful period symptoms with not much period? Xxx

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Stella

    its not enlarged thyroid is it hun ?

    where abouts on the neck ..

    jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay, no it's a lymph nodes n my neck under my jaw. It's been ultra sounded and after spending 30 secs on it the doc said it was ok. My thyroid looked normal x
    • Posted

      Hi Stella 

      have you had an infection lately, a cold or bad throat ..causing the gland to be up abit ( swollen) 

      useful info

      Painful lymph nodes are generally a sign that your body is fighting an infection.

      The soreness usually goes away in a couple days, without treatment.

      But the lymph node may not return to its normal size for several weeks.

      Jay xx 

    • Posted

      No colds. The gland has been there at least since May and I've been on two courses of  anti biotics since then. My gp says it's scar tissue and that it's going to be like this permanently. It wouldn't freak me if I wasn't constantly sweating. Now I've got this flipping groin pain too. My body is really putting my mind through it this year! Xx
  • Posted

    Have you been to a gynecologist to discuss this? 
    • Posted

      Oh god no! That would be asking way too much of my doctors. They have head up bottom syndrome :-/ xx
  • Posted

    Groin pain can be referred pain from the hip.  It might be worth getting this checked out.  A lot of women with arthritis in the hip will have this complaint. Might explain the soreness in your leg too if you have been limping.

    If you have an infection in the joint it might explain the gland being enlarged too.

    • Posted

      Hey Chrisy, well the groin pain went away with day 1 of period so I'm hoping it's related to that. The lymph node is a mystery.  I'm not accepting that it's normal as my throat is not right in a weird kind of way, so I'm going to ask for a second opinion x

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