Me time

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I have been struggling for the past 7 months with seriously heavy periods, along with clotting and pains. This has resulted in severe anaemia (even with taking 3 tablets a day). I have had to have 2 iron fusions in the past 3 weeks. I have now reached a point of total exhaustion and find it extremely difficult to manage on a day to day basis.

I feel I need some 'Me ' time for a while to concentrate on getting back to my normal self. I have booked a Drs appointment but not sure how to go about getting a note for some time off work. any suggestion!

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Wow you have been thru a lot. I'm surprised the Dr didn't recoommend taking time off from work for some R&R. When you go to your appt, let them know you are totally exhausted and would appreciate a note for a few weeks off of work. I really don't think it's to much to ask.

  • Posted

    Hello topmart

    Sorry you've been so unwell, some time off would be a good idea.... You can't function like that and you could do with time to recover. I took some me time last year because I couldn't focus on getting better whilst being stressed at work... Was the best thing I could have done. All you need to do is ask! With what you've been through I'm surprised they haven't offered, but just say you're not up to work and he honest about how you're feeling. Hope you get well soon and happy new year xxx

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    make sure you get enough rest. eat well and eat chocolate. you need a lot of it now.

    Also it might be a good idea to take some vitamins or supplements

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      good point. In your condition now you definitely need some vitamins

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    You definitely need "me" time. If you explain again how you have been feeling to your doctor, and say how dibilitating the anaemia has been and how it is affecting you, I am sure they can sign you off work for at least a week. I am not sure if you are UK based?

    I often even now book the odd day or two off work myself to get that "me" time. It is time to allow you to reflect, "mooch" about and do what you want to do without the pressures of work and everyone asking you to do things.

    Not many people understand about menopause, unless they are going through it of course, so you need to care for yourself and focus on things that will make your life better. Definitely review your diet, as it can cause a slowing down of the digestive system, look at your general mental health and well being - are there things that are "draining" you and people that are also draining your energy. Incorporate treats in your life at least once a month - like saving for that special outfit or shoes, and having a day in the week that you aren't having to cook!

    Perimenopause is a difficult time as it is a major change, but focussing and trying to find ways to make your life easier and more pleasurable is a must. So yes, get that ME TIME! All the best.

  • Posted

    you need time to rest i went to see my gp a few wks ago suffering from hot sweats palpitations anxiety low mood no sex drive and just unwell bloods came back saying i was peri menopausal as i had an hysterectomy 7 yrs ago at 39 but they left my ovaries because of my age told my gp i just couldnt cope with not sleeping and no rest because of work and all the symptoms i was suffering with he gave me a sick note for a month for anxiety and stress, works not happy but when we are going through times like this you need to look after number one its not that most work places give a dam or understand what us women have to put up with and deal with so look after yourself firstly big hugs and rest up x

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