Posted , 6 users are following.
has anyone been put on zolof??? does it work with anxiety???
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Posted , 6 users are following.
has anyone been put on zolof??? does it work with anxiety???
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sandra87208 Jaynie12
Hi yes I had terrible anxiety couldn't leave the house sat on the couch all day and had myself nearly gone mad with overthinking everything like I was going to die all the time. My gp wanted me to start on antidepressants a long time ago and I kept refusing and day by day I got worse. So 7 weeks ago I started 50mg of zoloft every morning and I don't even believe it myself how good I feel. I'm 90% back to the woman I was before this menopause hell began. The only side effect I had was clenching my teeth at night for about two weeks and then nothing. I would say you give them a try and I hope they work for you. Anxiety is the worst part of all this x x let me know how you get on please x x
lori93950 Jaynie12
ive tried a few different ones .. and i have zoloft too which i didnt start . i figured most of these are anti depressants and are designed to 'get you moving ' . if its just anxiety that you have they may make it worse . i tried lexapro for 3 days and couldnt handle it ... heart beating out of my chest .
so it may work for some but for me made anxiety worse.
have had lexapro. not good for me either. i am over this anxiety and my dr said to see so at this point im gonna try i hope i have the same results about feeling better ill let u know. 🙃
crystals51917 Jaynie12
I was prescribed that as well and threw it in the drawer but I may need to pull it out. I have more than anxiety but maybe it can help. My mind is always racing and thinking something is wrong with me. All these symptoms... The brain fog and over thinking is getting to me. It's a daily struggle. Ugh! X
Jaynie12 crystals51917
sometimes its minute by minute. i forgot what it was like to sleep through the night without waking in a panic..or hot flashes that feel like electricution in my body. being able to walk around and enjoy the day wiithout worri g if imbreathing or panting. im a mess and the scary part is i was fine one day the next i was down. yes ny mind races all day. i think im dying or something cuz this is not normal..just reading ur post helped me though cuz i dont feel so alone. thank u for being strong and putting it out there to help ..hang in there. 😰
lisa95354 Jaynie12
Hey Jaynie, my nurse practitioner wanted to put me on anti depressants for the hot flashes. I went the Holistic route, I’ve never tried Zoloft so I don’t know. I was always afraid to try any of that because of all the side effects. But whatever works ... we need all the help we can get 😉