Memory block and more

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hi ladies

not sure were to start really I have so many symptoms. digestive issues, anxiety, depression, low sex drive frequent cystitis . my periods are all over the place 1 minute I'm on really heavy and I can feel it pouring out of me ( sorry) to just spotting literally hours later. but the thing that scares me the most is my memory. some days are ok and others are terrible. i often make mistakes at work or get confused about things. yesterday i was writing the date on some paperwork, which i do quite a lot throughout the day and all of a sudden I had to ask myself if it was 2018 or 201l9 I honestly couldn't remember but yet I had been writing it all morning. It was a total memory block it really frightened me, my heart started racing and i had a feeling of impending doom, this made me so anxious for the rest of the day. then today I was at home when I realised my phone needed charging I went to put it on charge upstairs then came back down to prepare tea, within minutes I couldn't remember going upstairs and had to go back up to check. well as you can imagine I am really freaked out and thinking the worst. any ladies out there suffering the same thing? menopause is kicking my arse. xx

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Happens to me every single day. One day, i couldn't remember my address. It freaked me out! And I do the same thing- forgetting if I retrieved something, and then seeing it sitting next to me, with no recollection of how it got there. Some mornings, I'm in the shower, and can't remember if i just washed my hair, minutes before. And you touched on something new for me- the anxiety. It's unreal, sometimes. Why didn't previous generations of women talk about this?

  • Posted

    HI Lisa, I have been going through the same thing!! ughhhh!! You are not alone! xx

  • Posted

    Hellooo dear

    ur not alone

    me too facing this problem in Peri.

    I forget things.

    i forget my house no and next day while cooking i forget i add salt to my dish or not 😭😭

    and worst is i forget i had my medicine or not 😭

    Its very strange phase of life

    Hang is there


    • Posted

      thanks for your reply ladies I really appreciate it. this group is a godsend xx

    • Posted

      I agree! This group has helped me so much. When I start feeling anxious about a new symptom (or about one that has been around for a long time, and has just decided to get worse), I read the comments from the other women, and feel better. Today, I'm dizzy and off-kilter, but have been there before, as have many others, and that knowledge helps me. Hope it's a good day!

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