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has anyone been having lots of pain while intercourse i'm 57 and can't have intercourse because of yeast infections and pain. Does anyone else experience this. It's not to good for our marriage.
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ImagineOneDay rose00110
rose00110 ImagineOneDay
Yes it is awful no i just go to the clinic he just assumes its that with no test or nothing that's why now i will go to my family doctor. I took monistat 7 and other types 5 times and nothing works.
Coralsue3 rose00110
Have you tried Replens? It's over the counter and you use it twice a week or so. Wait until your yeast infection clears up before trying it.
rose00110 Coralsue3
Coralsue3 rose00110
It's a long lasting vaginal moisturizer. Works well.
Sochima822 rose00110
This Clinic doesn't sound very proficient in doing the correct type of test for a yeast infection and just assumes that you have one what kind of quacks are you seeing?
What you're describing sounds like you have vaginal atrophy you need to see a doctor so that he can give you some type of cream or some other type of hormone that will help your vaginal walls to not collapse since this is what's causing the pain.
I cannot verify this but I've heard that coconut oil helps as well and also I just started using some progesterone cream on my hands and I noticed that it seems to moisten it, but I don't know if that also helps with vaginal atrophy which is what you're describing you have. See your gynecologist for this type of condition.
Good luck and stay away from quacks who claim to know something they really don't.