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Hi all.. I am 53 and not had a period for around 4 years. Had he usual mild symptoms but nothing I couldn't handle

6 weeks ago i started getting horrid anxiety and depression leading to a nervous break down...hence starting of health anxiety which is awful i am constantly suffering anxiety stomachs churnin😣breast feel weird get shoulder pain dey mouth can't cope with all this no life 😣anyone feel like this ? I feel like I am slowly losing my self to all this cry all the time..

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37 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Maud can you describe what stomach churn feels like..I'm sorry about how you feel I myself not doing to good with the Anxeitys but I'm trying to bear up and although I don't have no will power over myself I still pushing on as much as I can today is not a good day as hormones are in progress with making my head off stable while walking around in the house I feel weird in the legs also and I feeling like I'm not to get any bette,hope you feel better soon.

    • Posted

      Hi Maria it like being on a higher ride then you go down and your stomachs flips and get butterfly s i my stomach constantly xx
  • Posted

    Gm maud 

    Unfortunately I'm living your world sad 

    It's the worse feeling  any woman can go thru 

  • Posted

    Well said Maud! I feel the same exact way, or at least I did for like 6 months straight.. I felt like I was having a nervous break down and that this all would just never end. All the horrid symptoms , with the crying all the time.. Its bad enough we have to deal with the physical stuff, but then when all the mental stuff hits then it's a double whammy ... I eventually started CBT therapy for the anxiety and health anxiety and doom and gloom feelings.. And it really helped alot! I'm not all better but definitely feel like I've been lifted out of my hole I was in.. I still do my walking, meditation, and yoga. Eat right and that's helped so much to be able to cope with each passing day, until hormones have settled comepletly.. Hope your feeling better real soon, and you find some kind of relief...

    • Posted

      Gypsy do you think hormones calm down with time just to give us back some kind of life.
    • Posted

      Oh yes maria most definitely they will calm down.. Hormones are up hormones are down all the while going through meno, it's a rollercoaster of ups and downs, but eventually they will and do settle.. Sometimes I'm a crying can't breathe shaky feel like I'm going to pass out weak mess, with anxiety so bad I have to pause and do breathing exercises to calm myself down, who felt like I couldn't even leave my house. (That was awful) and sometimes I'm ok, like I've made it thru my journey.. Then back to where I was, a crying mess.. Eventually everything will's like our bodies going thru withdrawals of having had hormones to not having or having very little hormones.. And remember hormones run everything, blood sugar thyroid digestion the brain, everything..

    • Posted

      Thanks gypsy you give me hope girl I'm just hoping from next month onwards in Post with time at least some symptoms get better that's all

    • Posted

      And even if you take hormones eventually you'll need to come off of them and your body will then go thru the withdrawals of not having those hormones, so either way once no more hormones in the body your body will go thru menopause and have symptoms until hormones settle.. Unless of course you are able to and you find a doctor willing to give you hormones forever.. Then your body has that constant supply of them.. I can't take them because of breast cancer in my family.. And doctor wouldn't give them period, just says go through change naturally..

    • Posted

      They Will you'll be just fine.. One day at a time, and one symptom at a time, remember when your having a symptom no matter what symptom it is, sit down breathe tell yourself you can do this you will be fine, you always are.. Take them one at a time and BREATHE....

    • Posted

      Hi ok Gypsy shall try I which I could sleep at night and deal with it in the day time.
    • Posted

      In had a nervous breakdown it was horrid just could not function at all anxiety for me is the worst ever I can't live without diazapan so glad you have managed yours xx

    • Posted

      How long does it take for hormones to calm down I have been lime this for weeks xx?
    • Posted

      Hi Gypsy, I went on them year before last for 3 weeks and stop to scared I couldn't stay on it mind racing with worrying so no your right stay away my family all been through this naturally with out hormones so I just have too 


    • Posted

      I want to know too maud how long I'm Post menopause next week but it probaly still bother me.

    • Posted

      Anxiety definitely is the worst of the symptoms in my opinion by far... Mine was so bad for about 6 months straight, to where I was scared , trembling inside buzzing vibrating, panicky crying felt doomed, had awful scary thoughts, just awful.. Then I started CBT therapy and it sort of showed me how to make it through each and every anxiety attack as they happened if that makes any sense.. She showed me how when they started to ask myself is my anxiety climbing / escalating above a scale range of 5 if so stop no matter where I'm at or what I'm doing, and to find a quiet place to breathe and get myself back together until I get my anxiety back under at least a 5 from a scale range between 1 and 10,and then carry on with whatever I was doing before hand.. so that sort of helped me feel like the anxiety wasn't all running together, I broke it up into individual attacks , and would handle each one at a time.. It's helped me and even though I'm not in that dark place I was for 6 months straight I am still not 100% but I feel I have a handle on it for sure now, and it's much less intense..I'm not sure where I'm at in my meno journey if I'm post or peri, because I had a hysterectomy when I was 27, and I am now 47, I am at that age I've struggled with all the symptoms, I just have no clue and will never know because I don't get the monthly periods letting me know they are tapering off or coming more intense, just the awful symptoms...which are now much less intense than they were month to month..

    • Posted

      Me too managing naturally after trying HRT that didn't work. Taking B stress complex every morning helps a lot 

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