Menapause, anxiety or both

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Hi would like some advice please. I'm going throw menapause but also have real bad health anxiety. From both my armpits to my boobs it hurts and across my shoulders. my boobs are abit tender and my cheats hurts with it to. I'm on hrt patches but think I may need a higher dose.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Karen, what dose of patch are you on? The pains you describe are probably one of the very many menopause symptoms. But I know that you will be more anxious than normally as we wonder how and why and every new symptom. You are probably tensed up against the pain and need help relaxing so the muscles across your chest and shoulders relax. What meds are you on, if any?
    • Posted

      Hi, my patches are 50mg Congo patches but I'm not on anything for anxiety. Tried so any but I suffer really bad with stomach reflux and ads make it worse. My dr as given me matazipne for anxiety and sleep but keep putting off taking them x

    • Posted

      Hi Karen, my GP also tried to give me anti depressants, beta blockers and sleeping tablets. He also gave ne ranitidine for the acid reflux. So basically, the meds gave me acid reflux and I had another med to calm the reflux down. Nuts! I am not familiar with matazipine, but you could try go ogling it and see what side effects it has? In the meantime, do you have any milk of magnesium at home? I know it's an old fashioned product, but if you have any, try taking some, but be careful and don't take too much as it has a laxative effect. The magnesium in it will calm you until you can get out to a health shop or the chemists or H. and B. to get some magnesium. It really helps. Also, if you have bananas in the house, or an apple, they will help with the reflux. Bananas before bed will also help you sleep. Simple, I know, but I used these remedies with success.

    • Posted

      Thank you darl for your advice I've just started on magnesium tablets and I eat raw white cabbage for my reflux, really works I'm also on lazparozole 30mg for reflux. Matazipine is more of a sleeper, but helps with anxiety so think I might give it a go to night. Thank you so much again for the advice x

    • Posted

      Hi Karen, I've just looked up the matazapine, and personally, I wouldn't take it either. It may work after a few weeks, but the effects before it may help you, are not going to help you now. The side effects read like the side effects of the ad my GP prescribed. I found the methods I used were more natural, gave me the relief I badly needed, and did not leave me dependant on any drugs. Magnesium is a product we all need in our bodies and are low on. I also take vitamins now, which I didn't ever have faith in before the menopause brain hit me.

    • Posted

      Be careful with the product for reflux, as they can cause the stomach to produce even more acid as it fights back against the suppressor.Stick with your cabbage if that helps you!
    • Posted

      The cabbage really does help. Been eating for quite a while now, even told my dr about it lol x
    • Posted

      Yes the dr persribe me with vitamin d3 to take. I've herd slot of people say magnesium helps with your anxiety to xx

    • Posted

      I take vit d but I also take vit b12 complex, as it helps with hormones.I've also noticed the burning mouth syndrome is helped by the vit b 12.

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      I dearnt take to any vitimiums with hrt, don't no weather I can or not x

    • Posted

      I am on hrt and take vitamins....also told my GP, and no problem.
    • Posted

      Might try the multi vitamins then. Then I'm getting them all lol x

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