Menapause women HELP HELP
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I'm 50 not had period for 17 months suffer with anixety never use to been since august last year feeling and thinking I'm dieing get nausea and panick at every little pain been fine all day then tonight it's kicked in anxiety .
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Angel_V diane87594
I'm in the same boat as you. No period for 17 months. I have terrible anxiety since October.Also hot flashes and I cry for no reason. I always feel like I'm dying too. Today I keep thinking I'm having shortness of breath! Everyday something different that I dwell on. I try so hard to not think about it. My family tells me it's all in my head which I know it is. They don't understand anxiety and the way it gets a grip on you. Unless you experience it you have no idea. I pray everyday to feel better and be myself again. I can't even go to work. 🙁
diane87594 Angel_V
Glad to hear from you crying as I replying back hate being like this was so out going I'm just a shadow x
natallia04776 Angel_V
Oh, Angel, sometimes people don't understand but it's OK. I feel better when I'm very busy. Hate to be alone. .that's when I start getting all horrible thoughts. ..
Angel_V natallia04776
I don't like being alone either. My mom comes over while my husband is at work and keeps me company. If I'm alone I start getting really anxious. I just want to be me again.
wendy36287 diane87594
diane87594 wendy36287
I try and say to my self it's hormone playing up x
angel368 diane87594
Hello Diane,
I am 46 and having regular periods but experiencing similar anxiety symptoms for the past 3 months. I have a high stress job so the anxiety is making it very hard to even complete small tasks at work. I get anxious while talking to family and friends and have started avoiding meeting up with people. I know it's my hormones but it is very hard to deal with. I feel like a completely different person and have been close to giving up over the past week.
Keep posting on this site because it's reading other ladies stories that helps me to know I am not alone. I hope it gives you some encouragement too.
becky53379 angel368
angel368 becky53379
Thanks for your message. I will be getting back to my exercise regime this week and ensuring I go to church more regularly. I was an active member of my church and from October I started going less and less. Thank you for your words of encouragement.
LouiseScotland diane87594
I started getting anxious and panicky when I was in the run up to the menopause (I'm 54 now and 2 years since last period). It wasn't bad during the day but the evenings were awful...I'd lie on the sofa to watch the soaps and my mind would go into overdrive, usually about the things I hadn't got round to doing that day, and my stomach would start churning and then I'd be so anxious I could barely function. I started taking Starflower oil capsules and Evening Primrose oil capsules, and within 2 weeks it had made an immense difference. I stopped the starflower a while back but now take 1000mg of EP every day. With it I'm pretty well ok but if I stop it I turn into a wreck! It's made a huge difference for me and I wouldn't be without it. Give it a try and I hope you feel better soon xx
natallia04776 diane87594
Hiya, Diane, you are here and it's already good. You are not alone. We're here to help.
Did you read about
1 of many symptoms is Bad Memory. Haha -really funny. It is sad but funny 😂😂😂😂
What we can do? !OMG! !! I call it Girl's Peri!
maria101 diane87594
Hi diane87594, yes I'm like that from time to time I sit and watch TV and my thoughts are not on the programmes it's on me and how I'm feeling Anxiety is not nice but we just have to get through it daily until it goes,hope you feel better soon.
LouiseScotland maria101
Try Evening Primrose Marla...I take 1000g a day, it's not expensive and it helps me hugely. If I stop taking it then within a couple of weeks I start to become so anxious again, so it's definitely effective for me. I can't guarantee it will be the same for everyone but worth a try?
jane47249 diane87594
I had exactly the same try and drink lots of camomile tea and lemon and ginger tea for nausea also sucking on mints helps exercise is great but just breath and tell yourself this is just my hormones do not focus on the anxiety try and distract yourself it will pass mornings are usually worse get up eat and exercise