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I'm 43 and fed up with so many symptoms which my doc says is menapuse.
Muscle pain in shoulder and now legs.
The pain in keg is so bad I'm walking funny
Mood swings
Hot sweats
And a blood test which cane back borderline to much iron ???
Can all of this really be diwn to menapuse ?
I feel helpless.
Does anyone else have these symptoms
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louise44105 michellemybell
dawn1967 michellemybell
michellemybell dawn1967
And there's always this niggling voice in your head saying this can't all be down 2 hormones 😢
michelle46271 michellemybell
Yes these are all perimenopause symptoms. It's truly unbelievable isn't it?
I never realised hormones changed so many things. It's unreal. Welcome to the club 😊
michellemybell michelle46271
But this past year BOOM I'm a mess
kate15534 michellemybell
louise44105 kate15534
bobbysgirl louise44105
With diet modifications (no sugar or highly processed food, less bread more fresh veg and seeds/nuts and vits with magnesium) the flushing headaches etc have all but gone. But the joint pain is really something else!
louise44105 bobbysgirl
bobbysgirl louise44105
kathyLA michellemybell
I am 41 and having some of the same symptoms plus more. Â My doctors tell me I am too young to be in perimenopause, but I know myself and I know better! Â You will get a lot of information here and you can compare all the symptoms and know you are not going crazy
 Realizing that it is your hormones helps me understand and I just ride the wave.  With all the physical symptoms it is hard to stay positive but try to mentally tell yourself that you are OK and your pre-menopause comes with many symptoms. Â
michellemybell kathyLA
I been going through this 8 years I was 36 when I started noticing things and by the time I was 40 my periods were here and there my doc kept telling me I was 2 young but my mum was 40 when she started menapuse and didn't have a periid from then on.
I haven't had a period now for 2 years but the joint pains are just so painful.
I feel so stressed out. And it's changing the person I was 😢
All I do is moan haha.
And the brain foh is embarrassing I can't get my words out and stand there saying u know that thingy arghhhh it's awful.
dawn1967 michellemybell
the joint pain is so debilitating isn't it, sometimes I want to scream. I was hoping once I'd gone through the year of no periods that the pain would stop, but reading your post has dashed my hopes !Â
I keep getting near to the year, and that the dreaded period appears out of the blue. But they are stretching out at longer intervals. Wish you luck with these horrid symptoms 🌺
michellemybell dawn1967
Thanks.for your feedback.
I changed my doctors in the end because of the lack of listening and telling me it was nithing to do with menapuse and can happily say that my new doc is so much more understanding and helpful .
And I was finally diagnosed as menapausal ☺
I have ready that these symptoms can go on for as long as 10 years 😢😢😢
I keep telling myself only another 2 years lol .
But what's worrying is although I've been having these symptoms for 8 years this last year has been the worse by far I'm so worried it will get even worse.
I did go on HRT for 3 months and they helped with sleep and hot sweats, not sure about the mood swings but they caused more problems on going periods and my boobs were so sore I couldn't take it, now I'm. Not sure Wether just coming off them.the way I did has made all my symptoms 10 times worse or Wether this is the norm.
Frustrated isn't the word 😬
dawn1967 michellemybell
After more than 3 years of ' suffering ' I'm wondering if HRT would help me. But I get really worried about the side affects and think I shall just try and get through it.
could anyone answer my querie, if you take HRT, does it sto you going through the menopause and what happens when you stop ? Would all the meno symptoms come back ?
thanks for any answers.🌺
kathyLA michellemybell