Meno attack
Posted , 6 users are following.
I love this site. My hormones are are coming up with new and creative ways to combine symptoms. About the time my body adjust to its current state, new things happen. Almost through the list, maybe the end is near. LOL. Kudos to all you women who hold down full time jobs while dealing with this, you are heroic in my view.
Always remember to be kind and patient to yourselfs. Some days will be worse than others, just let yourself have a bad day and say" it's gonna be one of thoes days". Also remember to smile and laugh on the good days!
3 likes, 6 replies
Guest katherine42051
juanita93228 katherine42051
linda61015 katherine42051
So true , every day is different. We just have to make the most of any good times; as they are far and few between.
Good luck with your menopause, we all need it!!!!
Linda xx
AG13 katherine42051
Good morning
Thank you that was lovely 😊
nanette44686 katherine42051
Morning thankyou Katherine they were lovely words it is very hard I work full time look after a home and a house full of not very sympathetic men two teenage boys and my husband who does work hard but is not sympathetic towards me and my menopause journey some days I just scrape through and others are abit easier it’s not easy that is for sure sending hugs 🤗🤗xxx
AG13 nanette44686
Ditto though my husband and kids are good.
I just about scrape through everything but have a lot of issues I keep to myself also.
Hang on in there. X
I just