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can someone help me please. I am 52 and up until three months ago was still having regular periods, however this has now changed but has brought a whole new set of problems I am beside myself constantly worrying about symptoms and convincing myself I a
have something serious/terminal. Is this symptoms are racing heart/palpitations headache face ache the worse is during the night I get a weird sensation every night in bed it's as if I go into a cold sweat and get clammy like am gonna pass out or be sick but I don't do either it is actually got to the point where I don't sleep anymore am in a real panic with myself. Oh get heartburn n chest pain too. Any advice would really help
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michelle50768 kazza444
Defo sounds like perimenopause to me.
It sucks big time x
debbie12340 kazza444
All completely normal Peri menopause symptoms ! Have them all and more besides, try your best not to worry as this makes them worse (not easy I know) I'm sure many other ladies will tell you the same ! Take care x
linda45130 kazza444
Take care x
stephanie04277 kazza444
susan21149 kazza444
Have you talked to your doctor maybe you would benifit from HRTs or and antidepressant talk with your doctor and have her or him check you out
I get heartburn myself had it really bad last night chest pain with it drank a couple glasses or rice milk and it went away
MrsMerm kazza444
heart burn, it's dreadful!!!
But the worst for me is the itchiness, it's horrendous, all over like prickly heat..........................
Mrs M
ursulauc62 kazza444
I went through dreadful anxiety about health and just about anything else when I was in Perimenopause, and bad hot flushes/sweats. Now things are settling down, and I feel much more at ease. I'm now in menopause, and was on HRT, but didnt like it, so came off. So far, no particularly bad symptoms at all. The occasional hot flush. I try to eat very healthily and take all the recommended vitamin supplements, and dont drink or smoke. I'm sure that helps.
I was totally convinced I had several terminal illnesses, one scare, then I'd be reassured about that, then something else, etc. The slightest symptom would set me off, and I went to A & E about 5 times in six months. I think they got pretty fed up with me.
Now, - Thank God - I just dont worry.
margaret04348 kazza444