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Is there anyone out there that found a remedy for all the fog head and jelly legs and all the horrible symptoms of menopause ? PLEASE PLEASE do let me know I can't take this feelings anymore .

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Judith

    One of the supplements I take is a mix of the Omega Oils, Omega, 3, 6 & 9. Tescos do one at a reasonable price and this is meant to help with brain fog. I also take daily menopace and have noticed that when I

    forget to take it I start daydreaming more. Hope this helps

  • Posted

    Hi carol thanks for the reply I will try anything at this stage I am so fed up of feeling like a zombie is there anyone els with some more help ? Please let me know thanks a lot 😢
  • Posted

    I take Menopol plus from simply supplements website, Black cohosh when the hot flushes strike and a Vit B complex every few days. Good luck, read lots esp the other menopause related forums on here and see what works for you.
  • Posted

    I just want to thank Sandra and carol for the advice I will try it and hope it will help! I have a problem with taking meds but I am feeling sooooo bad and I am so desperate that I will take anything at this moment , I am feeling like a disabled I can't stand on my legs the jelly feeling then there's the head fog and the loud sounds and to bright lights and the whole bad feelings like no control of of you're self ,I read all the post here to see if I alone have about all the symptoms of menopause but I am glad to see that I am not alone (sorry for the glad don't mean it for others) but just that I am not alone ,if someone can help let me know as well .

    NB if I find something I will post it here THANKS to all.

  • Posted

    Hi Judith I now take agnus castus I buy it from a health shop, it helps me a lot
  • Posted

    I take Menopace for about 8-10 weeks and then swop to Sage Tablets for the same and then back again. Also Oil of Evening Primrose which helps a bit.

    Absolutely understand the fuzzy head thing.

    Hope you find something which suits smile

  • Posted

    Dear judith25079,

    I, so very much sympathise with your plight. I was in the same situation and although I did resist HRT initially I did give in eventually and was so thankful for it. I was able to think coherently and comprehend things I was reading - all vital for my work.

    You may not wish to take the HRT route though and I think a possible alternative maybe to use a naturopath. One of the members here kris54 reports a very positive experience of using a naturopath, see her post here:

    Good luck & hope you find something helpful soon.

  • Posted

    Judith I find try to be busy with walks or swimming otherwise it consumes you I feel dizzy and jelly legs and tired and angry
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    To all you ladies out there thanks a lot for the tips and advice I wili post again if I feel better and if something works for me thanks again
  • Posted

    Is any of you're women out there also very pale ? I am very pale with all of the stupid symptoms of menopause .
  • Posted

    Hi - Could you be pale because you're a bit anaemic especially if you are having heavy periods?? Worth checking with your GP

  • Posted

    Thanks for the info, no periods for 3 years and the pale came with the very bad foggy head feelings about 8 months ago and the rest of the jelly legs tired ness and the hot flushes doesn't disturb me as much as the weird head feeling
    • Posted

      hello Judith, appart from taking endless paracetamol for the fuzzy head, I tried a swedish head massage and that seemed to help for a few days, my eyesight improved too. I also breath in fresh lavender flowers when I can, Hope this helps.
  • Posted

    Judith , have you thought about getting your thyroid checked out.sometimes the menopause symptoms and low thyroid symptoms go hand in hand. Levothyroxine could alleviate all your symptoms if this is the case, apart from hot flushes, they will only go when they are ready to. Nothing works once they kick in. But I hope you feel better with everything else that you are suffering from. It's worth a shot as anything is. Good lucksmile


  • Posted

    Age puts you at greater risk for low b12, serum folate and iron. I would suggest you tell your doctor that putting all symptoms down to menopause can be dangerous and asking him to test you to see if you are low or low end of normal in these nutrients. B12 deficiency is dangerous and causes anaemia which causes weakness..

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