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Hi ladies does anyone have lack of appetite with anexity I'm don't feel hungry plus I've had monthly first one since April last year

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey Lindy

    Hormones, thyroid or could be viral!  Suggest you see a GP to get some blood tests.  I am a firm believer of Blood Tests no mucking around because we cannot see inside of our body to see what is forming. Its a horrible feeling when you feel unwell, I wish you all the best and hope your get resutls. Take Care Dianna

    • Posted

      Thanks for reply I don't feel poorly it just the anxiety that makes my mind tick all the time I was ok till I had started this monthy period all my bloods came back fine in August had to have them tested due to been very bad anemic which resulted in have ferritin tranfusion because of monthlys been very bad at the time.
    • Posted

      Lindy my heart goes out to you... Anxiety is horrible. But you know I find when I get on this site I dont feel alone.  Reality stories are been shared each day on this site even though we are all strangers there is some Connection.  All the best...


  • Posted

    Hi Lindy

    i suffer with awful anxiety and when it peaks I don't have a appetite at all, and end up losing quite abit of weight, when it passes I'm back to normal again. Hope this helps xx

    • Posted

      I can't wait for it to go it tourcher I know im in perimenopause more so now all the hot flushes have stopped then I get pain in hip back then I get a period first one since April so it was a big shock to me thought that was the end I was praying that was it nearly full year thus April but Nor it came back 😢
  • Posted

    Hi Lindy, yes, this very much a part of the process.My doctor suggested I try st. johns worts. It has a calming affect. Took away my anxiety for good.  I hope you're feeling better soon. 
    • Posted

      And will it help with the nausea feeling aswell as this comes on wen the anixiety starts like it as now
    • Posted

      I believe it did, I can't remember because after I started it taking it, everything went away. So I'm going to say yes, but what really helped was juicing vegetables with apples.  Since eveything was making me nauseous I went on a cleanse to juice for a few days.  Drinking pure apple juice would also help with the nausea or celery, cabbage and apple. Juicing has helped me get rid of all nausea and stomach upsets that I couldn't shake off for months. Constant everyday stomach aches and pains with nausea was just no fun. But juicing changed all that. Hope this helps.
    • Posted

      Aww fantastic il try the apple juice replace it instead of coffee and tea thanks
    • Posted

      Sure thing, hon, anything to help.  I feel my stomach is growling now, and I had a slight tummy ache that has just gone away. Btw, try green apples with juicing it helps with the flavor.
  • Posted

    Hi Lundy, I have had anxiety really bad since before Christmas I've had to force food down because of lack of appetite, am on anti depressants now, appetite coming back slowly, hope you feel better soon x
    • Posted

      Think i need a visit to doctors in was ok till I had this monthy I'm always thinking the worse aswell
  • Posted

    Dear lindy my appetite went when my periods went haywire entering the menopause, the unsettled digestive issues that came with it gave me gastitis ( thankfully over it now) but i lost my appetite for weeks at this stage (also had bad nausea) x
  • Posted

    Hi luvvie yeah I have not felt quite so hungry recently but I agree i think its the anxiety! It really got bad before xmas and I was desperate for help so i dragged myself iff to acupuncture.... And it is amazing. I am having regular treatment with an acupuncturist that is so sympathetic and undetstands how I feel. She has been a God send and I feel soo much better. Maybe worth a try?

    I am 50 and perimeno by the way. Still get aches pains and sore boobs (urgggh!!!) and indigestion too but one ghing at s time i guess.

    Thank goodness for all you ladies in this forum too!!! Its just so reassuring not to go through this draining and confusing time alone xxxx I hope you feel better soon love xxxx

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