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Can hot flushes come back mine stopped for a while and now they av come back ever since I had a period in Jan my last one was April.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hot flashes are from fluctuations of hormones so can occur anytime

    Periods must be one year with no period to be in menopause

    • Posted

      Aww thanku I thought I was nearly done but I had a period this year so now I have to start all over again suffer with these hot flushes once again
    • Posted

      Welcome to club hot flash and every other symptom we have. You will find many of of on here have very similar symptoms and help each other through them.
  • Posted

    Hello lindy66, yes hot flushes can come at anytime.
  • Posted

    I think so. I was not getting hot flashes for awhile and then all of a sudden got them back. Even without having a period now going on 5 mos. and counting. Knock on wood I'm almost in full menopause.
  • Posted

    Hi Lindy

    I had night sweats for 2 years off and on, and then nothing, ive been on meno for 10 years, and post one year, do still get hot flushes from time to time, but that is more norrmal for them to continue after post, you will only get your symptoms when your due your period, when your on, you should feel better, then a bit of a dip after your period stops, so you may not get all your symptoms everytime your due, and some will stop altogether, mine did.

  • Posted

    Oh yes they can! Mine come and go. Or can be bad or mild. It's related to the fluctuations of your hormone levels and is perfectly normal.
  • Posted

    Dear Lindy,

    I had my ovaries removed last July as preventative measures due to family history, i had quite bad flushes especially at night, they then eased off but have the occasional one even now, normally after having caffeine! X

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