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I have been taking HRT for 22 years. I have tried to come off the tablets only for the symptoms to return. I am now on a low dose and am trying to take only every other day to ween myself off them.
My mum who is now 88year, is still having hot flushes, not as many as she used to have, nevertheless they still come, especially in the night. She tried HRT treatment many years ago and it was not suitable.
I have always felt really well on HRT and upto now for me it has been safe. I am very fit and have no trouble with aching joints. I am told that I look a lot younger than my 66 years and I put this down to taking HRT.
Is anyone else out there like me?
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maisie05 Guest
My mum had hormone implants after her hysterectomy in late 40's and stopped them in her late 60's. She looks amazing now in late 70's. I'm hoping I can follow her example but not stopped periods yet at 57. Just starting with night sweats and palpitations.
alison28608 Guest
Guest alison28608
Like you, I feel great on HRT. Having regular breast screening and smears, I feel confident taking HRT. I read the latest evidence which said that it isn't as bad as once thought. Why not try the really low dosage PREMIQUE 0.3MG/1.5MG Modified Release Tablets. Who knows what will happen in the future? I'm afraid I will have to chance it!
colleen90305 Guest
I don't have that answer but think I need HRT. I'm Perimenopausal and its horrible. I've never been so depressed. What do you take? I would think taking them is worth the quality if they help
Guest colleen90305
I know just how you feel. I have suffered all of the 'on the change' downers. I take PREMIQUE Low Does 0.3mg/1.5mg Modifield Release Tablets. I used to have a much bigger dossage, but even these really help the symptoms. My doctor tried to get me to come off them several times, but I fought against it, saying that my quality of life was important to me. I have a healthy lifestyle. I do not smoke and check my breasts for lumps regularly, attend breast screening when it is offered. I have regular smears. I can only describe taking HRT as having a new lease of life. I feel great. Just give it a try. I think that if you look at recent evidence, HRT is not as bad as we used to be told it was.
colleen90305 Guest
I was recently told I was Perimenopausal and its a relief to know there's a real reason for the way I feel. I may need HRT to regain my quality of life back
deidra40034 Guest
I am 61 and been on HRT since I was 33. In January my GP decided I should stop taking my pills too. Well I tried it, I too tried doing what you did until I was off completely. Well let me tell you, what a living hell that was...pardon my language...but true! I was a mess for 3 months, and could not take it anymore. The hot flashes were crazy, I was dripping wet all night long, my moods were crazy...I am not a moody person, never have been. My hubby said the minute my eyes open, I am a happy person, that’s what he loved about me...well that sure changed! I never turned him away in the 38 years we have been married...until then. I was miserable, so was hubby! I said that was it! I went back on HRT, and I am back to my normal self, and I am back to being happy once again, and so is hubby! I remember him asking my doctor how long I would have to be on the pills, doctor told him, for the rest of her life. He was not kidding!! This was due to a complete hysterectomy, took everything. So, I have only been on the one estrogen pill all these years. My body is just not ready to be with out it. I too am told I don’t look my age at all. I don’t have wrinkles on my face, and I have never had any “work” done, and I don’t ever wish to! My Mom is the same way, no one believes she is 83! I know other ladies in their 80’s that still take their HRT, and won’t go off either. Also, the new research shows all the uproar that came out some years back, has been proven to be wrong, there are much more pros, than cons for us to stay on HRT well into our older years! They scared everyone half to death, with flawed information. Now they have found it to be untrue. So, I say, take the lower dose if you like, but stay on it if you want to. I know I am not going off of it...I don’t want to go through that again! Ha-Ha!! Unless there is a medical reason you have to go off, I say go for it!! There is no reason to suffer through it!!
Guest deidra40034
colleen90305 Guest
I wonder if my doctor will prescribe me HRT? I've been seeing a psychiatrist and tried 3 different SSRI meds and nothing is helping. I'm starting to realize this may all be from perimenopause. My next concern will be which one will suite me best
MoodyNoire colleen90305
You know Colleen,I say that the obvious reason for the majority of physical and mental problems for women from approx. 30 yrs and on is from declining hormones. Think about the following symptoms that I personally have suffered until I started bioidentical hrt - Insomnia, mild to severe joint and bone aches and pains, (seriously thought I had bone cancer) restless leg syndrom, tinnitis, fibromyalgia, migraines, and the biggest one of all - depression. I hade NONE of these problems till I hit my late 30's. I fought for 6 years with herbals and exercise, weight lifting, self-help (think yourself happy books) and antidepressants. I finally got so sick of living in that terrible state that at the first of this year I told my husband that yes, I was scared but, mine and my familiy's quality of life was too important, so I tried bhrt. I've had to tweak my dosage here and there but it's awesome. I wish I could go back in time and start the bhrt sooner. I can say I've tried to tough it out and some people do, but I was tired of living that way. It makes me feel and even look better. As far as I'm concerned, I'll take it as long as it helps me.
colleen90305 MoodyNoire
What's the b in bhrt? I hope I don't have to try many to find one that works for me. Anyone have any suggestions which one I should ask for first?
MoodyNoire colleen90305