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hi ladies ive frequently visited this site for reasurence and ideas ..... well ive not had a period for 16 months but have had really dizzy spells off balance near fainting headaches mainly aswell as the other treats of menopause i kept going to my gp but nothing was ever done up until last week i went back to the doctors because my shoulder had been so painful for months but read that other ladies have also witnessed it ... i went to th doctors but my usual one wasnt there only a locum so explained about my shoulder she sent me for xrays got my results today ive got arthrritis in all my spine my shoulder ive a bulging disc ... im now being referred to the hospital but with my diagnosis it can cause dizzy off balance and stuff so judt letting you know not everything is menopause and hoping this may help you ladies to push for xrays ... all the best to you all i actually feel a nit better knowing im not mad or crazy like people had told me x
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debra16694 jan66332
hi jan - i just had a similar situation, i have been suffering from really achy/sore knees with extreme discomfort in my right knee - chalked it up to "menopause aches & pains". Finally when the right knee pain was keeping me up @ night i decided to pay for an MRi out of pocket since my insurance wouldnt cover it. The radiologists interpretation seemed reasonable...ligament sprain, meniscus fraying, modererate size Bakers cyst etc. i deceided to go to an orthopedic dr & when he walked into the room he said"so do you know whats causing your knee pain?" & i proudly told him what the MRi interpretation said & he said those are the least of your worries, you have almost bone on bone with just a sliver of cartledge left - so i guess the moral to the story is we cant self diagnose - good luck!
jan66332 debra16694
hi debra im sorry yo hear your experience too and wish you the best , us ladies sometimes are too quick to put it down to menopause .. x
Keljo48 jan66332
I am 50 and I also have been period free for 16 months. I am so sorry about your health issues.
You are right not everything can not be chalked up to menopause. That is why I go to the ER, Dr, or/and Gyno. One should never discount major discomfort. ESPECIALLY if it is severe or last for an extended period of time. I had bad aches in my right breast and even in my left. But the right breast has bothered me for the better part of a week and a half. It worried me so much that I went to the ER. They ran blood test and chest xrays and and EKG and found nothing amiss. I had an appointment with my Dr.s RN Practitioner to get a referral for my annual mammogram. She did a breast exam and didn't find any lumps, (I didn't either with my self exam). So Monday I have a 3D mammogram appt with an ultrasound afterwards. My breast pain has lightened to almost gone. I am suspect it is hormones, but I am still getting it checked out to be sure.
I think that most of us on here realize that our bodies are telling us something, and when we go for testing and they don't find anything that is what is disturbing. I think that most of us do not just "self diagnose" But we look for reassurance from others to calm our fears until we can find out what is going on.
As we age we are susceptible to arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. because of hormone depletion and age. But also genetics and life choices play a factor too. We would like to think it only happens to the elderly but it doesn't.
Anything odd, pain or otherwise that last two weeks, I make an appt with my Dr.
I have gone in because of severe dizziness and nausea in the past I couldn't function let alone drive.
My doctor said it was BVVP after examination. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo and it is pretty common. It lasted about about three weeks for me. I went in to see what was causing it after two days.
I was hospitalized with CHF about 6 years ago. My ignoring my body's signals and my health nearly cost me my life. But just the same I don't think MOST of us simply just chalk our symptoms up to menopause.
I do want to say it is a good lesson for all of us if our current Dr isn't listening to our issues then we need to find someone who will. I was lucky to go to get the new NP instead of my Dr who may have dismissed my issue.
I am glad you got someone who was able to get the test that led to your diagnosis. Now you can hopefully get the help you need.
Good luck and speedy recovery.
jan66332 Keljo48
kelijo im sorry you too have had lots of issues but glad you sought experience and hot results ..even though my symptoms are bad im not hiving up im still working full time im going to start swimming and just keep myself as healthy as i can with my condition ive started meditation and trying to keep upbeat .... i think we can all become a bit complacent and think aww it will go its only the menopause !!! i hope your future is a bright and happy one and i wish you my love , x
gilly_64426 Keljo48
what is CHF?
jan66332 gilly_64426
cardiac heart failure
Keljo48 gilly_64426
Congestive Heart Failure