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Hi, I've been going through the menopause since my partner died in Dec 2015. His sudden death put me into an early menopause aged 44. I'm now 48, and whilst the symptoms have eased a little, I've had to take a month off work due to the lack of sleep and hot flushes. My doctor will not prescribe me HRT as she says I'm too young, but the anxiety, lack of sleep and generally feeling a little crazy is driving me to distraction. I've had counselling, exercise regularly, eat healthily etc., etc., but having no medical help is making me feel very emotional. She's referred me to the local menopause clinic. With being off work, I'm feeling more relaxed, as I find my stressful lifestyle made the symptoms much worse. I sleep 1 night in 3 properly, so am constantly tired during the day. I've become an insomniac after sleeping well most of my life. My partner's death obviously hasn't helped, and I'm struggling as to what is grief, and what is menopause. The worse symptoms for me are lack of sleep and the panic feeling in the night, urgh, I feel like something awful will happen. I've had other symptoms too; dizziness when I'm walking, cold chills, and horrendous brain fog; I'm working full time and doing a degree so it's really hampering me. Does anyone have any good advice? I've not taken any natural supplements as they are so expensive and I don't believe them to work, if I'm honest. But I am now reaching breaking point, especially with the anxiety, to the point I'm thinking of totally re-thinking my future career path/life.
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carol727 GoingCrazy
I would consider finding another doctor that would prescribe HRT because when your hormones are out of whack it really does a number on the body ! TRY the hormone patches it wont hurt to see if it will work for you to have your symptoms subside.
ImagineOneDay GoingCrazy
Very sorry to hear what you have been going through. I think you need a better GP. I don't think you are young. Anyway age is not relevant in this situ. Could gp give you a sleeping tablet to help your sleep perhaps. Please try to see someone nicer and more helpful. Lots of HUGS
kelly55079 GoingCrazy
I'm so sorry for your loss... And hope you find something to help you sleep. There's nothing worse than not sleeping well!!! That's great that you took some time off work-- very helpful. My neighbor has taken some time off work just because her symptoms. And my friend just quit her job because she felt really crappy BUT she plans on looking for another job--less stress, closer to home and maybe even less hours. Take care!!
louise25018 GoingCrazy
bless you! i was so sad to read of your struggle but i can see what a positive person you are as you are clearly trying so hard to enjoy life. You definitely need a different GP. Your symptoms arent age related. If your body isnt producing the hormones you need (which is confirmed by the symptoms you have) then you need to help it by replacing them. So From what you say you definitely need to at least consider HrT. Im sure it will help with alot of your symptoms and then your positive mindset and tenacity to enjoy life will do the rest. A new understanding GP will see this too.
im so sorry you have lost partner and im sending virtual hugs and love and positive vibes to hopefully help you somehow. Us ladies are all in this together and the support on the forum is amazing!
I truly wish you all the best of everything and sincerely hope that you can find the Gp you need to help you. Take care lovely and keep us posted. BIG HUGS XXXXX
staci88515 GoingCrazy
My condolences on losing your partner. You are not too young. I am 44 and in the middle of it now. My work was absolutely horrible. I was fired for the first time in my life after applying for FMLA. I also have to change careers because of my symptoms. You are not alone. xo
Forgot to add that I cannot take HRT due to migraine aura, so I am doing it the natural route.