Menopause advice please

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I have just started taking HRT for the menopause and would like to know how to relieve the following symptoms please:- tiredness, low mood and feeling 'weak' just like you do after an illness

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16 Replies

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        What form of HRT are you taking?  How long?  And are you saying that the HRT is creating these symptoms, or are these symptoms the reason you started HRT?  

      I ask because it does take some time for HRT to work.  Women often feel weak, very tired,  and have a low mood with menopause.    

    • Posted

      Hello i am taking Prempak-c. I have been given 3 months worth. I used to be on the contraceptive pill, then the mini pill and lastly the contraceptive implant which was removed in March 2016. It was after the implant was removed that i was experiencing symptoms of low mood and tiredness and my body was craving something unfortunately not chocolate. I just want to know how to relieve these symptoms please and hopefully feel better soon
    • Posted

      Ok, this is verey interesting.  From what I can see, for many years you have taken something that supplied a daily dose of progestin.  It's in the pill, it's in the mini pill, and that's exactly what the contraceptive implant is (norethedrone, or some version there of, of progesterone.)

      But now you are on Prempak-c which only provides synthetic estrogen until around day 17.  Have I got this right?  

      So if this is the case, it might be interesting to keep a symptom diary and see if you feel better when the progestin part of the Prempak-c is added.  You mentioned that you started feeling tired, with a low mood, when the contraceptive implant was removed, and that your body was craving something.   Seems a little too coincidental that once off the progestin, things changed for the worse.   While most woman don't like progestins (or progesterone for that matter) there are some woman who love it.  

      I have noticed that the only time that I feel good on estrogen is when I am also taking progesterone.  Just a thought.  And in one book I did read that "some woman are more progesterone types."  Will be happy to send you that reference privately, since this darn site makes referencing information practically illegal!!!!  LOL  (Like sharing sources is a BAD IDEA??!! Ya, who came up with that dumb rule?)


    • Posted

      Well it lookes like I will need the progesterone but how do i get it please. I would appreciate you sending the reference privately, but how?
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      in your Prempak-c do you take one pill a day 1-16?  and then on days 17- 28 are there two pills?  (Sorry not familiar with that product.)
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      Also, did my question make sense and you feel much better when there is progestin in the mix?  Have you already noticed it?  
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      Hello gailannie, I do understand what you are saying but I am just taking HRT and have not noticed anything as yet and hope to
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      ok, so as I understand, you just started with the 1 pill per day (which is a synthetic estrogen)  and you aren't noticing any difference.  But in a couple weeks you will also take the second pill which contains the progestin part, and that might help you feel more like your old self.  

      If you notice something and feel better with the progestin part added, then you'll know that it is the progestin that you're body is craving.  

    • Posted

      Garooba, great info! I started bio identical progesterone in a pill form last month. I take it for 12 days and begin the 2nd dose tonite. Since you take HRT, how long did it take for it to really become effective? My estrogen level is still normal so I'm estrogen dominant. Just curious? I didn't get full relief yet, but I know everyone is different. Thanks

    • Posted

      I have not been taking HRT for long and as yet not effective as that is why i have posted for some help
  • Posted

    Hi Garooba, there is nothing to me can help the menopause and no quick fix either, I have been going through it for 8 years now with out any treatment...I only recently started to feel more like myself lately, but accasionaly have one or two symptoms returning

    Many people go on HRT I did for three weeks only because I was watching tv when my brand and others came on to warn women about the dangers even on low doses how can still be at risk from cancer

    so made my decision to stop it right they and done...everybody has to know for themselves, to me I just did what was right for myself 

    I hope it work for you with out any trouble.

  • Posted

    It took about 3 months of hrt before I started to feel back normal. Everyone reacts differently to it. So far so good, I haven't taken any for about a month now.

    I make sure I really eat healthy now. Lots of organic vegetables, hormone free chicken, lamb, beef. I cut back on sugar and carbs. Supplement with magnesium only when needed for anxiety. B vitamins for energy and to improve my mental moods. I drink lots of water, walking. Rest when I get tired, removed some of the negative stress, which can trigger menopausal symptoms too.

    If I find I really need backup, I will go back to hrt. I hope some of this helps you.

    • Posted

      Hi thanks for replying and letting me know. I usually eat healthily too but will get some magnesium and I already take multivitamins that have B vitamins. I go walking and I exercise so I just hope in time the symptoms will ease and I will get back to normal
    • Posted

      MARIA, You just answered my question I asked. Did you take HRT daily or a week or two a month?

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