Menopause and Anxiety
Posted , 11 users are following.
what do you ladies do when you wake up at 2:00/3:00 in the morning with scorching anxiety?
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Posted , 11 users are following.
what do you ladies do when you wake up at 2:00/3:00 in the morning with scorching anxiety?
1 like, 12 replies
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jaynie08827 jamie53221
im up now. the electic feeling now anxiety. i just focus on something. no its not fun its very scary. and ihate it. itll pass .some nights right away others a while .pray. drink.something cold. like i said i focus elsewhere acually i play bunble heroes. it helps ..just tell urself its the lack of i guess hormones. i read that some ladies get something to help. i just might for the skipping heart. ur not alone. lots of prayers.
dev77856 jamie53221
im up now too. i wake up to either a shaky feeling or to my body vibrating like an earthquake. i alwsys get up have some water go to bathroom just to make sure i wont die and get some circulation in my body.
i also wake up to a cold sweat sometimes soni change my shirt.
jaynie08827 dev77856
yea. this is very not normal....
my nights are days are limited to windows of where i can go out .my partner is learning the days that are bad and leaves me b but the pup doesnt understand😪 i get angry at times cuz when it gets bad i think this is it!!! y now ?? i was very active loved to walk now i get paranoid when i go out cuz i dont want to fall out. wtf???? im still playing my game hoping to get tirrd. i guess they say hang in thete it goes away. it shoulda never started is what i say. hang on tight when ur earthquakes start. its just our lack of i guess sending prayers for u
dev77856 jaynie08827
By any chance are you withdrawing off of antidepressants or anti-anxiety medicine? Because of the brain zaps in the paranoia. That’s what it sounds like please promise me you’ll go outside every day take your dog with you and don’t get angry at The Dogs see the dog as a therapy dog there to protect you and help you for getting angry at him is it going to do anything but make you feel bad
wendy36287 dev77856
Am not on any drugs but primrose an vitamins
mamamia03 dev77856
Oh dev! The cold sweats scare the life out of me! I just cant convince myself this is part of perimenopause, I dread them.
jamie53221 jaynie08827
thank you Jaynie! what I'd give for a full nights sleep like I used to get. AND without this scorching anxiety and panic. Until I read these posts, I didn't feel normal.
THANK YOU Ladies! It looks like my awake team are out there and we're thinking of each other. Y'all make me not feel SO alone already!! I'd rather be in another Club with you caz this is some freaking sh*t. ❤️
wendy36287 jamie53221
i woke up with nervous feeling an tingling shocking feeling down my legs an arms. it got me all depressed an feeling warm . Am tired and have no care for anything right now.
jaynie08827 wendy36287
this whole process to me is not cool. i dont understand why we have to be tortured like this we as women go through enough crap..its like our bidues and head has turned against us. i really thought these years are suppose to be nice the hardest struggle i ever had to go through. i just enjoy the somewhat good days and dont look forward to the bad. yes its tiring and tes im exhausted and like u there are days i dont even want to move let alone be bothered either sending prayers to u ....🌈
wendy36287 jamie53221
i have also had d weakness and pain from my shoulders and arms. Am so fed up
kelly55079 jamie53221
Yes!!!!For me it's about 4-5am and I'm very anxious. Go to the bathroom a bunch of times then I have to get on the floor to do a bunch of exercises to get that energy out.. Then sleep some only to wake up at 6 to get kids off to school and animals fed... My appetite is gone too but that could be because of X-mas!!! I used to like X-mas but the last few years not so much-- just not fun anymore.