Menopause and Climaval 1 mg
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Hi , I have been on this site last year, but knee Replacement forum, and it was so useful I thought ide come back and see if I can get some advice with menopause problems now. I had a hysterectomy 8 yrs ago , and have been Struggling on with symptoms , I've hot flushes mood swings and joint pains ever since, . I didn't want to go on to HRT as I lost my mum just after my hysterectomy ,due to breast cancer, which she was told by her surgeon at the time was properly caused by the HRT that she had been on, . Which she started on nine yrs previously , and the cancer first showed its ugly head about 8 months after she went on the HRT. But having seen consultants ect who tell me, that because of the length of time my mum was actually on it, it was I fact quite unlikely that that was the cause. So after nearly 8 yrs of worrying about it , I couldn't stand it any longer, the hot flushes and mood swings are one thing , but the joint pains are so debilitating , they first said it was fibromyalgia , then after 5 years ruled that out,mainly due to the fact that I have Osteo arthritis in my knees, which is why I had the half knee replacements in both legs, so Recently they did x-rays on upper body, looking for the same, but nothing, so now they say it's caused by menopause , so I'm on 1 mg climaval, and in to my 3 rd week, and no change,. Any body else on it for the joints? Do I need to be upped ? I was sooo hoping it would work, I'm terrified I'll go the same way as mum, I can hear her saying already, " I told you so" but at the same time, I don't sleep, I have great knees now but walking in the cold weather with the dogs kills my upper body, I just want my life back.😩Would be great full for your input. .
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elaine33371 mandy35295
Sorry to hear about your mum, I couldnt go on HRT due to their being breast cancer in my immediate family, however, it was actually the menopause, that in part, caused my sisters breast cancer, during peri our bodies, prodcue tons of hormones, to try and compensate for the drop, it cant keep it up because of shrivelling ovaries, so, we eventually stop our periods.
There are many forms of breast cancer, but the most common one is caused when all these hormones go through our body, and there are so many in the early days of peri, that some can slip through on fat cells into the breast, so, firstly it depends on how receptive our body is to this happening, and unfortunately my family member was 95% positive for being receptive, to this happening, and when the hormones slip through, given time, the hormone on the fat cell is at risk of becoming cancerous, you start off developing a pre cancerous cell, that will either, develop into a tumour, or, it wont, drs dont know why in some people it does, and some it doesnt, thats just down to our individual bodies isnt it?? this type of cancer is the type that can also happen to younger girls, as the hormones get travel through in the same way during time of the month when hormones are at their highest level, once there, the CAN grow. but this is why, it is more common during menopause, due to their being so many hormones in the system. I am very suprised they have allowed you on HRT, it has to be in your immediate family which, in your case and mine it is. Eventhough in your case, it wasnt the HRT that caused it, you are still classed as high risk!! however, you could say to your GP, given what happened to your mum, whilst your now on HRT could you have a yearly mammograme, that will give you the heads up just incase, and i would have thought settled your mind!!
I have chronic fatgue due to a malfunctioning nervous system, it comes with fibromaylga, the two normally come together, the difference between osteo and fibro, which i also have, is, fibro arhtritis is more muscles and tissues, whereas, osteo is bones, and the reason we have more creaking aching joints, during menopause is, hormones cause us to lose cortisol, and cortisol keeps our joints supple, so your osteo will be worse during this time, and thats apart from what loss of calcium can cause.
Drink plenty of fresh water, 2/3 ltres per day max, stay off caffine drinks, keep alchohol down to a minimum, eat little and often of high protein low unrefined arbs meals, keeping sugar down to a minimum also, avoiding highs and lows of sugar making symptoms worse, do relaxing breathing exercises to control stress levels, do gentle exercise, like swimming, gentle stretching exercises, and when you rest, dont read, watch tv, or, go on the computer, that is not complete rest, as this will cause mental fatigue making the physical fatigue worse also, get up early in the morning, pace yourself with your daily tasks, go to bed same time each night to avoid puting your body clock out, which, will cause deconditioning, this will make you feel weak and very fatigued, but avoid over exertion as this will make everything else worse, its a case of trial and error, and keeping everything as balanced as possible whilst you are going through this faze, it will get better, im post now and most of my symptoms have died down, to a easier to cope with state, hope this helps.................good luck Mandy xx
mandy35295 elaine33371
elaine33371 mandy35295
You sound like your doing everything right, but due to fluctuating hormones, it wont always be perfect, even on the HRT you will still get some symptoms albeit milder, especially if your dosage isnt high enough, but i ncan understand your concerns in doing that.
I am 56, and my sister developed cancer aged 54 two years ago, it was of a non genetic type, directly caused by hormones, but it is thankfully, one of the easiest to treat, if caught early that is, but there is a risk of it coming back. As i am sure you know, you can get non genetic types, and were at risk from developing them at any age, its just rarer, the younger, or, much older we get, worst time is when were peri, and can carry on up until the 70s even though it is rare due to declining hormones, but too much of a decline can cause the cancer to flare up in other areas of the body instead of the breast, its the same for men, men are at risk of developing certain cancers, due to male menopause, either having too many early on, or, not enough later on, prostate being one of the most common, men can also get breast cancer as well, so, non of us can win can we!! we just have to stay positive, do everything we can to keep ourselves healthy and, fingers crossed, what else can you do, you cant worry your life away, you have to live your life.
Given it was your mum mandy, have they not suggested yearly mammogrames for you also, rather than every 5 years? do you live in England? ours are every 5 years from age 51 in the north west where i live, however, if, you have had cancer, then, you have them yearly until your follow up treatment ends, my sister has 3 years left on her treatment, has had 2 mammogrames so far, and in another 3 years her mammograme will go back to national guidlines for her area, every country and borough is different but here that is normally 5 years!
Best wishes Mandy.
Your oesteo like mine, will be bad due to colder weather, and its winter time in England, plus a menopause flare up will add to that, due to calcium dropping, in this case, you could try calcium with Vitamin D to absorb it in better, google your HRT, see if it can affect joints, cant see your drs giving you soemthing like that knowing you have osteo, but mistakes do happen!! it is up to us, to stay one step ahead of them dont leave it to the drs.
good luck mandy
lennie45832 mandy35295
mandy35295 lennie45832
lennie45832 mandy35295
mandy35295 lennie45832
lennie45832 mandy35295
elaine33371 lennie45832
Your right my hot flashes make my joint pain worse, i must try some ginger to calm that down. Even if Mandy, your osteo doesnt cause inflammatory probs, osteo can come with a tiny ellement of inflammation that yo may not be aware of, mine does, it can happen! but, being hot during menopause flare, that will affect your joints, especially if you have osteo it will trigger it i would have thought, defo be trying some ginger lennie!! love the stuff anyway/
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 mandy35295
Im assuming your not drinking Caffine,but if you are though switch to decaf coffee and tea, some say green tea is good, but thats more to get rid of toxins in the body, and your taking everything all natural, so i dont think green tea would help you, and your taking anti inflammatories as well. Know what you mean even about over the counter drugs as well, ibuprofen would be a bad one to take for pain, if your suffering with acid reflux, as it would definately make the stomach worse, i am not taking anything for my pain as its copeable, but i tell you what i have been using for my osteo, its that new product on the market called Voltorol, i found it extremely good for the pain, didnt think it would work as it goes onto the skin but it worked for me, the only things is, it is very expensive, what are you taking for aches and pain then??
lennie45832 elaine33371
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 lennie45832
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 lennie45832