Menopause and Type 1 diabetes - help!

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Anyone on here experiencing it and is diabetic?  How does it affect your diabetes...any advice please!  I'm not sure if I am starting to go through it and my blood sugar levels are all over the place?

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6 Replies

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    my readings were very erratic too for the last year, my PP was less than fasting, i was never fasting for more than 3 hrs...even at night.....hopeless scenario

    i didnt start diabetes medicine

    im still waiting for the right time for an authentic reading

    the 3 month average reading would be more reliable than fasting and PP readings

  • Posted

    I normally have low blood sugar and been having trouble with it dropping all the time and me OVER EATING out of fear! Since menopause I have been diagnosed with diverticulsis by ct scan and contrast. At that time I had elevated kinda high white blood cell count due to diverticulisis and was put on two different antibotics BUT while at the hosiptal my bloood sugar was 206 which shocked me because I have alwways had LOW blood sugar since pregnanices and kept low blood sugar all those years, now for the last couple of weeks its been all over the place and plus dropping low every  hour or two at most then I  go  into panic and I feel pounding heart, very nervouness and I eat till it goes away :-( Its been a mess!  It keeps me eating and feeling very scary everyday when the symptoms hit! Ben fighting it straight through the last two weeks where it has been non stop!
  • Posted

    Diane, don't know that this will be helpful, but thought I should mention that there is an endrocrinologist who has written many books.  It is her contention that estradiol helps insulin get in and out of cells.  Without estradiol, she believes it is very hard to regulate insulin.  That might be somewhere to start.  

    • Posted

      where can you get estradiol​? I cant take presecribed HRT because it jackks my blood pressure through the roof!
    • Posted

      It is only by doctor RX.  Many ways you can takeit, pills, patches, creams, etc.

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