menopause anxiety. crying and heart flutters, feeling ugly
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so many horrid feelings of peri menopause,
start up once again of missing heartbeats, shives, mood swings, swollen sore boobs, one month no period the next get one, thinnning hair and feeling ugly. anyone else identifuy with these? thanks
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sue976 debi62095
yes I can, I'm exactly the same was in A&E a few weeks ago with the missing heartbeat, I was due to go on holiday the next day and got this missing heart beat, ended up in there having lots of tests all normal, it was a anxiety/panic attack, haven't missed a period yet, but mine are getting closer together, I have to say the anxiety is the worst of my symptoms I can't help feeling that something bad is wrong with me every time I get a symptom, I can't wait for it to end, I feel like I'm going crazy sometimes, thankfully I have a understanding husband, big hug your way xx
middlemuddle debi62095
Moniee debi62095
sandra01691 debi62095
michelle50768 sandra01691
Hope you dont mind me asking but does the hrt help the palpitations and anxiety?
Ive been in perimenopause eight years and im seriously considering hrt. The health anxiety is kicking my butt. Already on a low dose AD. My perimenopause has been going on so many years im beginning to think it will never end
sandra01691 michelle50768
susan21149 debi62095
This is how i felt the other day on Friday due to paxil and tazodone my heart rate was really high and my heart was pounding like crazy
I had to stop the trazodone and paxil it through off my heart beat for a while but its back on track again
Then there are the mood swings crying and just not feeling so great so i understand how you feel
Moniee debi62095