Posted , 8 users are following.

Well heres the thing!....2yrs ago at the age of 50 i go to the docs feeling awful sad  depressed, confused,tired, bad tempered, no memory or patience with of course bloods were done and all levels come back normal.

now after 2yrs of feeling terrible the past 3months everything changed energy levels returned, concentration good....and just  very happy and content with my lot ....feeling v healthy smile

last week at the docs i needed a kidney function test she said she would also ask for a full set of bloods to be done to check everything .....she called to say everything perfect accept the hormones....apparently they are raging and all over the place and she asked how i was coping and did i want to talk about any help!....i said i havent felt this well in years!!?....confused so am i? lol

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    All of my horrible-ness is leaving too! The weight is coming off, I'm not as tired. Just a few issues still dealing with, but I feel I'm moving away from the eye of the storm! Yay! 

    Congrats on feeling better scentofawoman! cheesygrin

    • Posted

      This fills me with joy 👏🙏 the thought that there is light at the end of the tunnel ! I just wish I could see mine ! Hate all these vile symptoms especially the anxiety and lack of sleep ! So happy for you 

      Debbie x

  • Posted

    Thank God there is a light at the end of this tunnel!  Congratulations!  It's nice to hear something positive with this.  Have a great xmas! xo 💃 🎁 💃
  • Posted

    That is great to know... Everyone here needs to hear things like that.  I know how you feel, I had about the same, an awfull 10 months and now I am feeling myself again.  It is just crazy all the hormone tests are soooo misleading! And funny the fact that now that you are feeling great your hormonses are showing wacky.razz
    • Posted

      BellaRubia, Like you I had about 10 months of absolute craziness, my body went haywire and so did my brain, I really thought I was dying, About 3 months ago I started to improve and slowly everyday I am getting back to my old self, still have many of the symptoms and some newies pop up but they are not as severe nor last as long as they used to.  I am coming up to 5 months, again, without a period.  No one could tell me back then that there is light at the end of this tunnel but there is, I am not completely there yet but hopefully getting alot closer everyday...

      Scentofawoman I am so glad that you are feeling so well even through your raging hormones and thanks for posting a positive story, stay well lol


    • Posted

      Seriously, Jo, I thought I had some kind of autoimmune disease - I was even tested for that - and other things!!!  Reeeeeealy scary.  I guess if I were working, I would ask out.  Now it is like EvaServal said, "I am moving away from the eye of the storm", LOL.  Only thing that I cant complain is about that "black dog" gillmn described - I get depressed sometimes, but nothing unbearable, specialy knowing the hormonal reasons for that.  Anyway, ladies, keep positive :D
  • Posted

    Yay I am also 51, I have loads of things going on with teenage children, elderly infirm father, stressful work, even serious health problems myself and have started on blood pressure tablets and statins.

    Although getting aĺl the anxiety you would associate with this I am completely free from the black dog of depression which accompanied periods for my entire adult life from age 15 to 50.

    I am so glad to be menopausal, can not understand why anyone would take hormone replacement treatment! I have had a few hot flushes and shocking short term memory at times, and have ranted occasionally, but this is small price to pay for shaking off the black dog.

    Reading 'grumpy old menopause' and comediennes like jenny eclair whom see the funny side is great, and really good to see positive post on this forum.

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