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Hello, I have been going through menopause recently, well probably the last 3 years or so. I recently have had a uterus operation as it prolapsed and now hoping everything is back where it should be! But now i have been experiencing hot flushes, depression, and feeling scared of going out now sometimes. I can only put this all down to the menopause. I have had the moments of heavy bleeding, light bleeding, spotting in between and now i at the point of not seeing a peroid for now 6 -8 weeks. Peroids have been irregular for 3 years or so. I am nearly 48. I cannot go on HRT as i have a fibroid and slightly enlarged womb. Can anyone advise of something else that will work? So many herbal remedies out there. Do any of thm work?
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susan21149 keepsmiling15
Just keep smiling and do not look down things will get better
keepsmiling15 susan21149
susan21149 keepsmiling15
keepsmiling15 susan21149
susan21149 keepsmiling15
keepsmiling15 susan21149
keepsmiling15 susan21149
susan21149 keepsmiling15
I had a terible night was anxious all night did not sleep to well I had palpitations all night and the skipping of the heart its calmed down some. Went to see my obgyn he ordered my estradiol 1mg and provera 2.5mg don't really know how to take it with the meds i am on which is Nerontin for depression and anxieties, Lorazepam for anxieties, Trazodone to help me sleep its for anxieties too, then my blood pressure Losartan and my famotidine for acid reflux and my multivitamins and my vitamin d3 how should i take the estradiol 1mg and the provera 2.5 mg
Does anyone else take a lot of meds and then add HRTs with them please let me know how i should take them
keepsmiling15 susan21149
Hope you are okay with all your worry about the meds. Does your Gyno know you are on the other meds? Can you talk to your doctor for some advice? It seems you are on a few meds for anxieties. Maybe the anxieties meds can be cut down by perhaps taking a different dose of one of the anxieties meds? Obviously the blood pressure med is needed as with the acid reflux med. I think vitamins will fit in with any meds as long as you are taking them with food. I think vitamin D should be taken with food and i would follow the instructions with the muliti vitamins. Do the HRTs come with instructions, ie am, pm with food or without food? You obviously know when the acid reflus ones should be taken so stick to that schedule with those ones. All medications come with instructions, what you really want to know is how they all work together. That is where your doctor can help. If it was me i would perhaps talk about weather all the different anxieties meds are needed and can they be reduced to 0ne or 2 out of the 3.Talk to your Doctor Susan. If you are unsure about it all the HRTs can wait until you have the info. Goodluck! Take a deep breath and try and relax. You will get it sorted. Take a step at a time.
susan21149 keepsmiling15
to see how i sleep. Its not that huge dose i took which was a natural one 50mgs of progesterone was way to much these are just tiny dosages to see how it makes me feel because i read that when your estrogen level is down that can cause palpitations and i have been having a lot of that
keepsmiling15 susan21149
susan21149 keepsmiling15
jayneejay keepsmiling15
i was put on very low dose Escitalopram anti depressant in May
i only take 5mg a day, doctor suggested 10mg but i tried half and it suits me
its not for depression as i am not depressed, its for post meno hot flushes i was having severely 20plus a day and palpitations alot ..
apparentlh i see low dose anti depressants ( not depressive strength ) is the new HRT for ladies who dont want HRT ..
all i can say is it has changed my life, the flushes have gone, and its 40 degrees here in southern spain ... I still feel hot, who wouldnt in this heat, but the hit flush waves have gone, the feeling of doom has gone, and i am back out and about, driving everywhere with not a care or feeling of dread .
i always refused this med Escitalopram but wish i had taken it years ago
i also take vits aswell a good vit B complex helps too, with 100mg levels in of B6 etc helps energy and a must for peri and menopause
also Maca capsules have been great for me 5.1 which is equivilant to 2500mg a day, helps libido and bones etc ..
Jay x
keepsmiling15 jayneejay
susan21149 jayneejay
i am going to try a low dose of estradiol 1mg and progesterone 2.5mg with my antidepressant and my ativan and trazodone
I have been having a lot of palpitations acid reflux and stress
i pray this helps me