Menopause depression anxiety

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Hi everyone im in menopause 8 years. Im was having terrible anxiety and pains and aches everywhere. For 4 days I have pains in my left breast shoulder and going down my arm. I have myself convinced im going to have a heart attack. Just sitting waiting and getting more and more anxious. I have been under a lot of stress lately. Please help im desperate.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    This sounds almost exactly like my journey through this wonderful thing called menopause! Its so scary....I now understand that I am not having heart issues, and I work really hard to stamp the anxiety down when it pops back up.

    Hang in there!!!!

  • Posted

    So sorry. first, please move. Even if you have to force yourself. Just walk. Endorphins will be released in your brain and you will feel better.

    Drink water only. Even if you hate it. Try to eat healthy food. NO sugar. Good carbs and Protein.

    IF you can go to a Naturopath. LOOK on Pinterest for advice.

    See your doctor about an antidepressant. It will help. GODSPEED.

  • Posted

    Aw darl I really feel for you. I've been like it for years now and I just break down and cry all the time I don't go out because I get so anxious. Bless you hun x

  • Posted

    Hi I have started to take vitamin and magnesium. It seems to be making a bit of a difference.

    • Posted

      Oops sorry, vitamin d. Don't know if it's psychosomatic but I have less aches and my mood has lifted a bit.

    • Posted

      I'm also on Hrt patches. Couldn't do without them. The sweats were interfering with so many aspects of my life as was the 'dryness' so painful.

  • Posted

    If you have the whole body ache. You may need check your thyroid, even the blood work comes back normal, the thyroid iodine uptake can be abnormal. That mean the thyroid is disorder.

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