Menopause,Depression destroying me
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Help please I am 49 and for the past six months every period I sink into deep depression for at least 5 days I experience diahorea,stomach pain,aches and migraine loss of appetite,I am on three antidepressants a night it does nothing,I can't work and I'm so miserable. am I ever going to get better.Any any help would be so ni.I feel so lonely.xx
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maria_03422 penelope65426
Hi Penelope
I do get some of the symptoms you describing but for me it happens the week after my period. I know is horrible and so scary. I wish I could tell you will get better soon..I'm hoing through this the past 6 years , I'm 51 and still doesn't seems to get any better..
I feel so tired..
I do enjoy my daily walk for an hour and try to eat healthy no sugars no coffee no alcohol but I still get anxious and depressed at times!
What makes me feel better I get to this site and dont feel lonely anymore..I found the support and understanding here that I wasn't getting from no one else.
Feel better, we are here for you.
penelope65426 maria_03422
Hi Maria I am so please for you're support I really need it.Yes I'm fine until the end of my period then bang I'm down and out for about five days till I can claw my way back to normal then it happens all over again.I do walk every day except when I am married to the the couch or bed for 5 days!
maria_03422 penelope65426
I know what you mean
I have days that I want to be left alone just lay there waiting for this thing to pass
today was a pretty good day, I actually wore makeup!!! Last night my left leg felt so heavy and was hurting as if I pulled a muscle this morning was gone!!!
Another thing that helps me is books!! I read constantly sometimes at 3 am when I can't sleep!!! It keeps me from thinking and analyzing every ache and symptom..
Have a wonderful evening
lisa10293 maria_03422
This is so true. I've been prescribed HRT but after 3 weeks I'm coming off it.
I have constant bloating and soreness in my stomach. Yes, it stopped the flushes but I hate the feeling off lethargy. I try to eat as clean as possible and rarely drink. I'm going to tackle this menopause thing naturally!! Fingers crossed.
I love reading other people's comments on here as it makes you feel part of a group, going through the same stuff. Keep at it ladies!
Guest penelope65426
My worse time is during my period and really bad the week after. I usually only get about 5 or 6 decent days a month. I'd much rather have only my period time to feel awful. Not that it makes you feel better, but small blessings I guess.
Have you tried natural progesterone at night? I think you would have better success with that than antidepressants since they don't see to be working. My friend has weened off her Lexipro and is having great success taking oral progesterone instead. Sometimes she takes 4 a night. I think that's probably too much but she's just happy to be off antidepressants and Ambien. I'm taking 200mg a night of prog and am only having trouble sleeping now because of frozen shoulder pain, otherwise I'd be sleeping like a baby. It really works.
Azzumi penelope65426
Hi Penelope..did you suffer depression before meno at all? I ask because I've always suffered mood swings but through peri menopause was the worst mood swings iv ever experienced. Sounds like yours is a hormonal imbalance like mine and until you address the hormone issue it may not go away. I would cry all day sometimes waking up in the morning crying which was really strange. I lost interest in everything I love to do. I couldn't handle being around people at all and at work I would cry between customers. I also suffered extreme agitation and anger and I would go through stages of feeling like I was confused all the time, I had incredible brain fog that could last all day. I got to the stage where I couldn't function anymore and it was affecting my relationship, my job and everything I did. I also had the other meno symptoms like hot flashes, nausea, exhaustion etc which I could handle but the moods were too much.
Started BHRT about 12 weeks ago and the hot flashes etc have gone. My moods are heaps better. I'm getting through each day now and starting to feel a little motivation returning. It isn't an instant fix with BHRT for me. I still have some ups and downs but I can handle them better now. The amount of each hormone he gives me will be adjusted a few times until its close to perfect but its definitely worth it.
Hope this helps a little and don't be too hard on yourself. Unfortunately for some of us these symptoms go hand in hand with our crazy hormone changes. There is help out there so keep looking.
Good luck..
penelope65426 Azzumi
cindy1957 penelope65426
Hi Penelope. Have you talked to your doctor for menopause options? There are over the counter things too but you are taking antidepressants so you have to make sure anything OTC are okay with those meds. But as I said, doctor can give you menopause meds too to help with what you are feeling, just ask them! I've had all you've mentioned too and it's going on 9 years but hey, everyone is different, just because someone else has these issues this long sure doesn't mean you will, you just might be one of the lucky gals! Good luck and ask your doctor, they should be able to help smooth out your feelings during this time.
penelope65426 cindy1957
Hi Cindy thanks so much for your support.I live in New Zealand My doctor just offered HRT and I don't want to take that.Most doctors here just tell you it's life and get on with it.I WOULD if I cauld so frustrating.Husband is being so good but I know it's hard for him seeing me fall apart every month.xx
The doctor offers HRT and to just get on with it.How can we women expect to live like this?xx
debi62095 penelope65426
Yes I'm the same . Hormones if you find wat help please let us know. See gp.