Menopause hell

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Hello. It's 4.00am here and yet again I can't sleep.

Background info. I'm 53 - nearly 54.

Last April I had surgery for rectocele - which wasn't overly successful but that's abother story! Two weeks before surgery I had my peruod as usual. I had a regular cycle and no symptoms of menopause at all.

The surgery leaves you with a pack in the vagina that is taken out after 24hrs. The minute the pack was removed I had the first hot flush - Wham! - I felt most peculuar and nurses were concerned about infection - it wasn't.

And that was it I was plunged into full blown menopause. I would be convinced they pulled my ovaries out at the same time if I didn't know better! I had one period since in August and thats all.

Mood swings not too bad - obviously I've always been a complete cow. But these hot flushes have got to the point where I just can't cope. I am loath to take hrt as I already take quite a bit of other meds . I have tried some other alternatives with no success. Sage and shatavari (???)I think.

I have about 30 flushes a day. Night sweats which interfere with sleep. I am not the best sleeper in the world anyway and this is not helping. Things are so bad tonight I am considering going to the gp and asking for hrt! I had a blood test about 6mths ago which showed fsh levels of 50%way through menopause.

Not in a good state. Sorry for the moan

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi sorry sorry to here the you to are going through this horrible stage in our lives i no exactly how you feel around i am 45 and feeling 80 around 2 years ago a had surgery for a tubal cyst the next day all hell broke loose i started just as you with hot flushes to the point i would wake up drenched in sweat that happened to me for a few months and the list began dizziness joint pain brain fog heart palpitations shortness of breath tight chest and feeling bloated even if i drank only water and terrible mood swings i can be happy one minute the next crying or angry I've ended up in the emergency room had every test in the book and thank god everything fine so i no it has to be menopause finally my docter says i have to be going through the change and today i have my period with this awful pain and having to change my pads alot because I'm at full blow i can't even sleep sorry for blabbering on just wanted to let you no your not alone and these are some of the symptoms of this awful roller coaster hopefully you don't get done of them not all women go through menopause the same way i wish good luck hope you feel better soon hugs!!!

  • Posted

    Maybe try Macca see if that works. Also, chia seeds, but you need to take it 2 tablespoons a day. You can find recipes online for the drink. I also, would drink organic vinegar, seems to really help but since I'm not a fan of vinegar I went with Macca.

  • Posted

    Hi there

    I'm the same, not good sleeper, hot. I don't know what Meds you are on but my Gp gave me Clonidine, it reduces palpitations and hot flushes. It reduced mine by about 80%. Still get few especially if I have glass of wine. Mood swings, yes, we have something in common, I can be a mad cow, although I refrain from "mooing" !!! Ha ha. You have to laugh or go mad! Hope this helps. Take care🐮

  • Posted

    Thank you all. It's now morning and I feel a little better. I am the sort of person who bounces back quickly. However the problem still remains.

    I read the pinned post on the main page and there were some suggestions there so I think I will take them to my gp - if and when I can get an appt!

    So I've already had 4 flushes since 7.00 am. Which I think is too much. This is an average of 1 every 30 mins.

    I am convinced the surgery brought this on. I am hoping such a dramatic start means a dramatic conclusion too!

    I shall work on my sense of humour today though actually I feel like crying. I have to say I never ever thought I would feel like this. I am not an overly anxious person or prone to depression or depressive thoughts. I feel like my head is going to explode though perhaps having just moved house, elderly parents, and a teenage daughter is not a great comvination. Though the daughter is the easiest to deal with!

  • Posted

    I had polyps removed last May and although I had already been experiencing menopause symptoms my OBGYN told me this would throw me into menopause I never imagined these things would happen to my body. 1. Sleepless nights 2. Extreme sweating (up 3 to 4 times a night changing clothes and sheets). 3. Very bad migraines 4. Throwing up for a week during what would be a menstrual cycle, 5. Memory loss due to menopause and all the anesthesia in such a short period of time. I had 3 major surgeries in a 9 months my back surgery was very extensive 9 hour surgery then 4 months later I had a total right hip replacement then a few months later I had the polyps removed im still having back pain so throwing up is very painful and during this time of the month it ads to my existing lower back pain and I am not a candidate for HRT. I hope this helps you to know your not alone
    • Posted

      Thank you. I know I'm not alone but at 4.00am it seemed so! I haven't coped well today which is more shocking as I'm normally a coping kind of person. Part of me wishes I'd never had the surgery which was not a great success and has left me with this as well. But what's done is done and mov8 g forward is the only option. I think I will make an appt with the gp though even if it is just to have a rant!

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