Menopause Hell Part 500 (lol)!!

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Hey ladies.

Thank God for this forum. When doctors think we are crazy, at least we have each other!

It is ALMOST 1 year since my last period. Though I was skating through this and hope this is all it is as with every ache/pain I am seriously convinced I have cancer and the anxiety of thinking that is debilitating on it's own.

Does ANY of this sound familiar:

  1. Bouts of nausea lasting for days on end. It seems to come and go and when they hit - OH BOY! I lost about 5 lbs every-time as I have no appetite at all. Never really threw up but certainly wanted to.
  2. All blood test came back perfect including my CA-125 which was a 6 (I think that is good - anybody have an opinion on this test please chime in as I have heard it is not very reliable).
  3. She did confirm I am post menopause according to my FSH and other test she did.
  4. My BIGGEST issue that has me "at the moment" as different crap pops up all the time is my right shoulder blade. I have had this burning ache under my right scapula which comes and goes for about 2 years. As we all do Google searches when I look links this to lung, breast or esophageal cancer which is putting me in panic mode! I am right handed and my posture (admittedly sucks). I work from home and sit with my legs to the side crouched over my computer for about 10 hours a day.
  5. Stress has been at an all time high. We just had 14 immediate family member lose EVERYTHING in the Camp Fire (Paradise CA) so my house has been full of screaming little ones trying to bring them just a slice of normal while they rebuild their life. I don't think that is it as this seem to come and go every few months. My husband will rub on the knot (it hurts when he digs and massages it and feels like a muscle knot).

I am praying it's just a pulled muscle from my neck leaning forward but still bothersome!

Anybody else?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    hi there- Unfortunately yes I’ve had this on and off from time to time for the past two years… Sometimes it stays for a month or more sometimes a couple weeks. Not much helps but heat and Advil take the edge off. Don’t google anything or you will end up dying of every disease LOL

    • Posted

      Hi Amy;

      Lol. Are you talking about the shoulder pain that keeps re-curring? That makes me feel better if so.

      It's irritating more than anything.

      Yep, I am like a cat with 9 lives. I have already died from every form of cancer there is (or should have been dead) according to Dr. Google.

    • Posted

      yes, its pain and discomfort between my shoulder kind of "moves" to my lower back rib cage if that makes sense...just a very irritating type of pain and I imagined the more stressed about it we get, the worse it gets! I stretch a lot when possible, use heat and just generally tried to give yourself a break. We will get through this I know that much. I’m so grateful to have everyone here to reach out to anytime it’s needed. Take care and don’t hesitate to reach out to us !

  • Posted

    It's a muscle spasm. Thought I was dying the first time I had one. Rushed to my doctor's office, she knew what it was immediately. Gave me a shot and gave me a muscle relaxer if it reoccurs. I've been under stress at work. Do not Google, it will have you dead from everything.

    • Posted

      Hi Juanita;

      You crack me up! Mine is on my right side in that muscle/fatty area between my shoulder blade (scapula) and spine.

      Was yours like burning ache? It's hard to describe. I thought maybe a spasm but it's not being like twitchy as you would think a spasm would be.

      Just a gnawing ache. It's ok in the morning and by the time I go to be it hurts like hell

    • Posted

      Dear leisa

      I have had the shoulder blade pain, i had it some time before the latest episode, the pain seemed to start off in that area and felt like it moved into the abdominal area as if a stomach cramp was about to happen but it went as soon as it came x

    • Posted

      Yes, it burned, but I could also feel the muscle balling up into a knot. When I went to my doctor she could actually feel where it was. My doctor told me to try not to stress and try to get regular massages. She was right, when the masseuse got to my back, she said "my word your back is soooo tight"! Well she was great and I was loose as a goose when I left. I'm trying to get one at least one a month, because the good ones are pricey. But sometimes you can go to a Massage School and they will let the Senior students practice on you and it usually costs about half of what a regular on would cost. But I will tell you. it was well worth the money to go to a real massage therapist.

      My heating pad has become my best friend(even if I'm not having a spasm). It helps me to stay hydrated too.

  • Posted

    Leisa, I also am suffering from number one on your list. No appetite. I can go all day and not eat a thing and I'm not hungry.

  • Posted

    I've had everything you listed, including the shoulder pain. Let me also say that I've said a prayer of comfort for your family's loss.

    None of these crazy symptoms last forever, they just scare the heck out of us. My doc said all was well after MANY visits to urgent care that included egg and blood work.

    He also told me to STAY OFF DR. GOOGLE!!! Sends my health anxiety skyrocketing !

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