Menopause in later life.
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I am hoping there will be someone out there who can relate to my predicament.
I will be 59 in a few weeks and am still going through my Peri menopause! I had a blood test which confirmed this.
I am feeling so tired and dizzy, migraines, joint pain and stomach probs.
I cannot remember things which is so frustrating! I am bleeding all the time, not heavy but it keeps on going! I take iron tablets due to having low iron levels. Now I've started itching especially around my nose and face. I am really fed up with it now it's ruining my life!
I was also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia years ago so I'm not sure what symptons relate to what?
Please help I am desperate. Thank you
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jayneejay lesley89854
hello to you, oh dear... do you take anything to relieve symtoms ?
HRT or natural remedies ..
have alook at Menapol Plus ( natural) amazon uk or ebay
or Estroven Max ( natural)
Vit B6 very very good for symtoms .. 150mg B6 daily...
B12 Jarrows 5000mcg Cherry flavour for energy .. one daily
we lack B6 and B12 in peri..
Jay xx
anxiousface jayneejay
jayneejay anxiousface
yes it the red Jarrows Methyl 5000mcg cherry flavour and yes you chew them
cant say about a B6 thats different ... off hand ..maybe theres a gummy type not sure about that one sorry... i always taken mine from the farmacia here .l
Jay xx
lesley89854 jayneejay
Unfortunately I do not take anything unless I really have to due to a fear of taking tablets! I am off to see my GP tomorrow so I will have a word with him, I'm not sure I will get far though.
Some days I find it very hard to cope because I have other problems and they all seem to feed each other!
I will see how things go tomorrow and try from there.
Thank you for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it.
jayneejay lesley89854
good luck in your choices... tablet fear must be frustrating for you.. needs must sometimes if its going to help us and replenish the vits we lack so very much during the meno phase.. its a big and very long path ...
i will just mention that Vit B6 also assists the peri weight gain... and absortion of certain foods, turning into energy aswell ...
i dont take HRT either... and wouldnt...
good luck Lesley
lesley89854 jayneejay
Thank you for taking the time to talk to me, it makes me feel better knowing that I am not alone with this.
Thank you again!
Best wishes
Lesley xx
fancygoldfish lesley89854
I absolutely have a brain fog that I didn't have before 6 months ago! It's embarrassing. I keep forgetting things. And yes, I feel lethargic and not motivated or energetic. I do take evening primrose oil, 1000mg 3x day to help stop the interrupted sleep at night and it works. Next I'm going to try the chasteberry. Also, I get itchy at times and have lots of new joint pains, but I attributed to my arthritis worsening, which could be aggravated by perimenopause, since hormones affect your whole being. I imagine peri aggravates your fibro.
lesley89854 fancygoldfish
Well I don't want to say I'm glad someone is like me but I must say I am relieved! I will have to look into the creams and other pills like B6 and B12! I dread getting up in the morning as my poor husband suffers so much from my aggressive tongue lashings!
I get very scared
Silly is'nt it? I am obese but not suffering yet!! with diabetes.. I am struggleing with my weight and it's hard to lose right now! I am sorry to here you have Arthritis It's a dreadful thing to suffer with! Fibro is bad enough! I do hope you get over the Peri sooner rather than later! I have been suffering for years myself! Please keep intouch, it's nice to have someone to talk too. Take care x
Retired2011 lesley89854
Retired2011 lesley89854
i am so sorry that you are suffering and I did have all of those symptons, except the bleeding in peri and now in meno at 58 and other symptons have come up!
Fluctating hormone levels are horrible! I would look into HRT---bioidentical estrogen and progesterone which can be individualized to your needs. You may even need testosterone. Get you levels checked by a knowledgeable doctor---not a GP.
I on on ERT and it cleared up many of my symptons and still tweaking as my body is changing. I also take a lot of supplements which has been mentioned by many of the ladies on the board, but the only thing that really worked for me is hormones.
i hope you get relief soon!
lesley89854 Retired2011
Many thanks for your reply, My GP would not let me take HRT because I am obese, but I could take evening primrose and vitamin B6/12 once I can pluck up the courage to take them!
I suffer badly with a fear of taking tablets.
I must admit my symptons change so much from day to day so I could certainly do with help but it really depends if I can pluck up the courage to take any treatments! That's another kettle of fish altogether! Thank you again!
Lesley x
Retired2011 lesley89854
Big hugs from across the pond in the US.........