menopause insomnia

Posted , 6 users are following.

hi ladies have been reading your comments with interest. I'm still knocked side ways with this severe insomnia. My most debilitating symptom as the rest seem to settle down and danger of losing my job at the moment. So looking for some advice any tips so far that we haven't discussed? i've ordered some dhea today to see how this helps... anybody else have any experience of that here? Thanks in advance and i hope that today is a good day for you mine not so good awake most of night if it not all night an all too common occurrence for me.

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    See some ladies have been talking about magnesium spray as being good
    • Posted

      cool thanks for that and quick reply. I had tried to calcium and magnesium help but it didn't seem to help. i've tried lots of things including b vitamins. Funny thing is some nights a banana helps me sleep its like a natural sleeping pill. still have a bad problem tho. Menogest cream helped for a while but as you know these things are short lived. Now trying the loestrin 20 as only 39. Just doesn't seem to work all the time. Was better at start. Tried all the sleep aids etc. Menogest while worked was best. Even tried negative ions bracelet lol
    • Posted

      Hi hun

      B vits wont help you sleep they are for energy and need to be taken in the morning .. for the day ahead energy and well being 

      calcium wont help you sleep either 

      but we need them ..

      banana thats amazing as a banana is the worse thing to eat at night as it can take up to  24 hours to digest and your digestive sytstem works over time after a banana ... so your lucky there as also it gives you energy..

      have you tried melatonin 

      jay xx

      avoid any B vits at night time always take in morning ..

    • Posted

      i agree. Yes i take my b vitamins in the morning. The banana thing is amazing i read somewhere that it has all the properties to help you sleep great if you wake up in the night for a snack. I tried melatonin but it may not have been a very good supplement as in the past it has worked well for me before i was menopausal. But since this situation it hasn't worked. I noticed that the one i was using is no longer on the market. Was going to ask my doctor about ramelton the melatonin antagonist. going to look at your other post.
  • Posted

    Hi rcharris

    well like i said magnesium before bed helps me and now i have the spray oil..

    it is relaxing 

    but i have had insomnia for years and it doesnt really get better in peri mode..

    if its affecting your job maybe worth talking to the doc 

    other good one is melatonin that worked too for me in the past 

    biovea web have the strong  version 5mg and 10 mg 

    jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi Jay Jay... I've kind of tried these without success but appreciate reply. Hoping it gets better into full menopause? Can't remember what the consensus was. Anyway how you doing? (:
    • Posted

      hi rcharris

      ugh dont ask at the moment ..

      i feel terrible hahaha

      got urine infection, thrush and cytolytic Vaginosis 

      so on two types of anti biotics and Laurimic i start tonight for thrush..

      before i saw a decent gyno three weeks ago who did a smear and found all this ... i did have a smear in jan 2014 with a pathetic doctor and i apparently had this Cytolytic vaginosis  then, but he said all was okay..

      ( it wasnt as i have the result here from Jan 14) it clearly states ..

      so i was left un treated for 10 months, i knew something was a miss and put it down to peri.. and vaginal dryness pain ..

      moral to the story .. if you have thrush and the normal over the counter treatments canestan etc dont clear it.. 

      it will be bacterial vaginitis and need antibiotics ..

      jay jay xx


  • Posted

    hi rcharris

    Dhea .. Have you read all about that ..

    way up the effects wont you ..  It needs some caution ...

    I read this a while back about DHEA

    it is important to point out that DHEA is also the biological building block to the production of estrogen and testosterone.

    For women in perimenopause who are concerned with excess estrogen,

    Because having too much DHEA, or converting DHEA into too much of one hormone and not enough of another, can be as upsetting to your body as not having enough.

    make sure is doesnt interact with other vitamins too ..

    jay xx

    • Posted

      Yes i saw that as well but i actually think my problem is low oestrogen. The only thing is they can have a negative feedback loop to boost your progesterone levels if you're not careful. vicious circle as for me i think i have too high progesterone levels through using the creams. Just as bad as blocks oestrogen. 
    • Posted

      Oh no

      you dont use progesterone cream do you

      that messes you up in the long term..

      sends your hormones crazy, and it stores up in the fat and turns into other hormones... My gyno shook his head and said no no no when I mentionedi used  natural progesterone in 2011 ... It restarted my peri periods, and caused breast tenderness and gave me a lump.. All settled when i came off after a few months ...  Bit it sure affected my mood ... And well being ..

      My gyno said nothing natural about it .. It messes women up.

      talk to your doc hun... Even HRT is monitored and creams and dhea can cause alsorts of hassle ..

      maybe you need to let your body have a rest and let it get back to its natural state .. Or use what some of us ladies use.. Like menapol plus etc 

      jay xx 

    • Posted

      Lol i know now in hindsight. problem is when you're desperate you try just about anything. if i stop taking any kind of help my sleep disintegrates to nothing ongoing. I feel like death. I've never known anything like it. I don't use the creams anymore now ongoing. Taking loestrin 20. Helps a bit. 
    • Posted

      Ps the cream i used did help for about 3 months it was bliss. Menogest.
    • Posted

      hi rcharris

      yes the natural progesterone apparently does make you feel good for first couple of months then the  

      problems start when it stores in fat.. Converting itself  into other hormones 

      when i had awful insomnia my doc gave me  zopiclone ..

      but i take occasionally and never a full one just half .. When i am really tired out with not sleeping.... 

      cant you see your doctor and say you need some help as nothing working and its for a short term etc.. 

      blimey my Gyno even gave me a box of 2.5 mg diazepam three weeks ago to take if i was shattered in future or anxious at bedtime.. But havent used any .. But nice to know they are there.. If desperate times kick in again.

      i think you need some short term help hun... 

      Even if it just helps you get back on track .. we all need abit of assistance sometimes .. Youve certainly tried the lot and nothing helping you, you cant function with no sleep night after night ..

      jay xx

    • Posted

      you're right there. Zopiclone stopped working for me. I'm a conundrum. I've been reading what folks have written on here though and i'm going to use have another think. bananas have magnesium in lol
    • Posted


      oh so you tried zoppy.. Sorry i didnt know..

      well i dont know hun... Maybe see the doc again I would say ..

      i feel for you as bedtime becomes a dread when you cant sleep..


      jay xx


    • Posted

      yes i have an appointment coming up so i think i will as i finally have a good gp. Praise God. I managed to sleep last night as well so feeling good today to be face music at work ):

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