Menopause is the cause of Anxiety or maybe not

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Since feeling the way i do with all the meno symptoms I’ve spent far too long searching for answers, if not on the net then in health food shops then back on the net researching alternative therapies etc. etc.

I think because of how we physically feel and because it is such a drastic difference to how we used to feel our mind and thoughts are nearly always preoccupied with the big M, this is the same as Anxiety, repeating thought pattern, we can’t help it as we feel so crap!!!

It’s not our hormones that cause Anxiety its over thinking.

Maybe its time to revisit mindfullness and stop searching.


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12 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm getting pain on the left lower bowel after missed period.Anyone experience this symptom?
  • Posted

    So true Lou, same here spent a fortune on products from health food stores, and like you I eat, sleep and see a Google search button in front of my minds eye lol 

    Anxiety as my doctor told me can, lead to more physical pain and sickness than folk often think possible, it can course disturbing and long term pain.

    • Posted

      At this present time my anxiety is targeted at no darn EDIT button on this site.
    • Posted

      Your doctor sound like a good one, I think he is right, we have to try and go with the flow a bit more, ok try with some vitamins, eat as well as we can and ride the storm, which some days is wilder than others.


  • Posted

    Very interesting.  But it must be the hormones that caused the anxiety in the first place, no?  
    • Posted

      But does the anxiety trigger the hormones into over drive!
    • Posted

      Maybe yes!  I wish someone could give a definitive answer?  WHY can't they? :-(
    • Posted

      I don’t believe so!! 

      I think that because there is not a single day that goes by when we don’t have one symptom or another our mind is in constant alert mode, searching for answers-solutions but there is no definitive answer to it all so we are bound to feel anxious,

      I’m sure our hormones aren’t helping the situation but I don’t think they are causing the anxiety.


    • Posted

      Lou-I agree that during this time, it seems our senses are heighten to any new sensation and that may cause some anxiety. In my case, I think there are times that I am plugging along just fine and out of nowhere I feel a jolt  of sorts that I recognize as yet another anxious phase. Usually comes on strongest right before a cycle is going to start, which comes with other such lovely "emotions" for a  few days.

      You are so right when you suggest to revisit mindfulness, which I do. I recently started attending Yoga classes several times a week in hopes that it will help settle me down a bit, because with all the new "events" that manifest, I do much better working at trying to calm myself down and carry on. Overall, I am improving, using the supplements and yoga, and am working at not letting the anxious feelings get the best of me. Also I have found, keeping incredibly busy keeps my mind off this topic, and I do much better.

      This all makes my wonder how my mother, who never, ever discussed this with anyone to my knowledge, made it through this period with four teenaged kids, bless her heart.biggrin

      Annie xx

    • Posted

      Yes Annie it is so important to find something to keep busy with, a distraction a new interest or hobby so that our minds can escape from dwelling on how we feel.

      My mother also never discussed this but she was dealing with divorce and bringing up three kids by herself, super woman exclaim


  • Posted

    Hi Lou never a truer word said I too yo yo between research on current problem and then search for health shop and product. Cost arm and a leg preferred buying clothes much better for confidence levels. Menopause sucks!!!!!! I stop one symptom and oh here's the next one grit your teeth and sort that out. In between that smile tell everyone it's fine NOT TRUE but I bet we all do it   Sorry fed up at the moment 
    • Posted

      Hi liz

      I am trying not to keep searching anymore.

      I'm now taking B12 and B6 and think it is defiantly helping with the brain fog, spaced out, dizzy feeling.

      The hot flushes that wake me through the night I'm used to now, a bit like back when I had my babies waking me, I will survive, just about neutral


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