Menopause Isolation

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Does anyone feel lonely and isolated in menopause? You used to enjoy parties,

people, weddings, etc.? And now all you want to do is hide.

I feel like I totally lost my social life sad

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18 Replies

  • Posted

    I know what you mean. I used to love hanging out and shopping. Because of the anxiety and how the symtpoms make me feel sometimes, I haven't been out in months. My girlfriends keep trying to get me to hang out, but I just don't have the feel for it anymore or at least right now I don't. I just come home now and pretty much stay in unless I have to go out. I try to get out when I'm having a good day. Other than that, I'm usually in.
  • Posted

    Hi Jamie,

    Yes I haven't wanted to socialise for so long now.

    I'm on HRT, but my daughter announced her engagement on valentines day and my first thought was oh no I hope the wedding is not any time soon.

    Normally throughout my life I would have been bored and suggested a night out somewhere with my husband after a few weeks of social deprivation. These days I'm happy to have a bath and put my pyjamas on by 8 pm.

  • Posted

    YES, so isolated, I dont do anything anymore. I thought it was just me. I used to be a MAJOR party girl! Loved to socialize, dance and now its just gone. WTF??? I wish I could change.
  • Posted

    Its horrible, I have to force myself to socialize, im running out of excuses to give to people! Maybe I will just tell the truth!
  • Posted

    I feel the same, I used to go to parties, concerts etc now I like to stay home, it sounds odd but I feel Safe at home, when I'm out I get so anxious ,I think people are staring at me and I think I'm going to faint and make a fool of myself in public, I hate this peri menopause, what makes it worse I'm the only one out of my group of girlfriends who is going though it and I don't think they really know how I feel, I think they think I'm being silly, but I wish I didn't feel like this.
    • Posted

      I am on HRT (4 months) & its been great for the 'Hot flushes' I am so pleased that has been sorted, but the low moods is hard. I am taking B12 to help. I just feel being around people can be really upsetting & annoying. I strain to pretend to be OK when I'm work, as I know they wont understand. I just feel so much safer & comfortable at home!
    • Posted

      Hi Lisa,

      We feel the same way on that. I just want to be home where I feel safe. I too am scared of fainting or having a bad anxiety attack and people looking at me crazy. I did that before. Now I just go out where I have to go and get home as soon as I can. It sounds crazy when I say it but it's how I feel. I wish I didn't feel this way either. Like you, none of my girlfriends are going through it so they don't understand.

    • Posted

      It really helps talking on here don't feel such a freak ! I hate this menopause, I'm only 46 on anti depressants on HRT but still don't feel normal, can't go out with my kids as feel rough all the time, we had a week at Butlins holiday camp in August and god I hated it and wanted to run home but put up with it for the family, I just want to hide away till this is over ! 
  • Posted

    Yes Jamie that U.S. Exactly how I feel. In the last ten months I have probably gone out socially 8 times. Other than that I just go to doctors, dentists or grocery store. I try not to go anywhere by myself because I'm afraid of panic attacks or the dizzy off balance feeling. I know I feel like this perimenopause is stealing my life


    • Posted

      Yes it does feel like it has taken over. I do the exact same, grocery store, doctors, take my kids to school and work and back home. I don't go to many places alone either and for those same reasons.
    • Posted

      Debbie, absolutely I love that term stealing our lives, I feel the same way, I am just like you only go where I HAVE to go. I hate this so bad because its not just physical its also the emotional and mental issues this creates/
  • Posted

    I meant to say that is exactly how I feel lol spell check
    • Posted gals hit it right on the head! I work with a wonderful group of women some much older then I am and I see them running to sales meetings, brokers tours, lunches, etc and I just want to hide and cry. Not one of them ( 20-30+ women ) ever had symptoms like me. When I say I'm anxious or going to fall down, they look at me like I need professional help!!
    • Posted

      I feel that way too sometimes. Everyone around me seems like they are going about their business and feeling great like I used too, and I'm the only one feeling and looking crazy. At least that's the way it seems. It just feels like I am the only one who feels this way even though I know I'm not.
    • Posted

      Hi, I feel worse when I see people smilar age or older to me functioning very well in business&offices. Then I can't keep thinking why I am so incaple of doing anything. They are people too. SAD. sad

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