Menopause Jargon Buster ... what did that mean ... explained ...
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Jargon buster
Atrophic vaginitis – inflammation of vagina/ vulva leading to discharge
Cervix – the neck of the uterus, at the top of the vagina
Climacteric – transition from the reproductive to the non-reproductive state
Dysuria – difficulty passing urine
Dyspareunia – painful sex
Frequency – needing to pass urine often
HRT – hormone replacement therapy
Incontinence – involuntary leakage of urine
Local HRT – hormone replacement therapy applied in the vagina
Menopause – the last menstrual period
Nocturia – needing to pass urine at night leading to wakening
Perimenopause – the phase before the menopause takes place and can last from 5 to 15 years
Postmenopause – the time in a woman's life after the menopause
Premature ovarian insufficiency/ premature menopause – is when a woman goes through the menopause before the age of 40. The average age for the menopause is 51
Prolapse – the descent of the uterus into the vagina cavity
STI – sexually transmitted infection
Stress incontinence – leaking of urine when coughing, sneezing or laughing
Systemic – circulating throughout the whole body
Thrush (candida albicans) – a fungal overgrowth especially in the vagina
Urethra – tube from bladder to outside through which urine is passed
Urgency – needing to pass urine urgently!
Urge incontinence – Involuntary leakage accompanied by, or immediately preceded by a strong desire to void
Urodynamics – the study of pressure and flow relationships in the investigation of functional disorders of the lower urinary tract (LUT)
Uterus – womb
UTI – urinary tract infection
Vagina – genital canal leading to the uterus
Vaginal atrophy – drying and thinning of the vaginal and vulval skin
Vaginal flora – the micro-organisms in the vagina
Vulva – the external female genitals (lips)
4 likes, 33 replies
marlene21102 jayneejay
I've been looking up bits and bobs like we do ,now at hand .Thaks again .
How have you been today ?Any better ,
Glad to see lot of newbies finding this site ,past few weeks
jayneejay marlene21102
how are you 😀 hows hubbys back today ..
ugh.. i feel rubbish still... but taking the mess and hoping all clears up..
feel a heaviness in pelvis like my uterus is going to drop on the ground 😞
jay hay xx
i feel a mess 😃
jay xx
Tazchurch jayneejay
Taz xxx
marlene21102 jayneejay
Husband bit better ,still can't move easily ,can tell how he holds himself ,rolls over to get out of bed .Men there own worst enemy ,was going to osteopath ,then said yesterday think it's easing off ,yea in his dreams ,osteopath 3 mins walk away .what you do with them Jay .xxxxx
When your fella home next ?
jayneejay marlene21102
I manage fine, afraid you have too no matter how you feel, stairs good exercise, my dogs are good lads so easy to look after, two big german sheps, two cockers and a spanish dog i saved from dying 4 years ago.
I dont need to call my Gyno Marlene he told me Thursday evening my smear results and given me the treatment plan and correct medications, i fetched them friday ..
So just got to complete them all and contact him if any problems after the treatment..
I am on two antibiotics, finished one and now on laurimic
All will be good soon
Jay xx
Astrid64 jayneejay
Perimenopause I get that!
But I thought you then go into Menopause how long do you stay at that stage until you get to post Menopause!
jayneejay Astrid64
one year no periods is menopause reached ..
i just got there.. 😃 and confirmed by a scan as non functioning ovaries, no follicles etc..
jay jay xx
jayneejay Astrid64
The time of a woman's life following menopause is called postmenopause. During this time, many of the bothersome symptoms a woman may have experienced before menopause gradually decrease.
But as a result of several factors, including a lower level of estrogen, postmenopausal women are at increased risk for a number of health conditions, such as osteoporosis and heart disease.
Understanding Menopause:
See What to Expect During After Menopause
How Will I Know When I Am Postmenopausal?
A woman is considered to be postmenopausal when she has not had her period for an entire year.
Having your doctor measure your follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) level is another way to help confirm if you are postmenopausal.
FSH is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland (located at the base of the brain). Your FSH levels will dramatically rise as your ovaries begin to shut down; these levels are easily checked through one blood test.
What Changes Can I Expect During Postmenopause?
Once you are postmenopausal, you may regain your energy, but you may also be at higher risk for certain conditions.
Jay xx
Astrid64 jayneejay
jayneejay Astrid64
yes thats right
i had peri for 9-10 years
i havent had a period since 2 sept 2013
when you have no periods at all in 12 months your classed as menopause reached .
jay xx
so i am now post menopause ...
it is confusing jargon how its described ..
its almost like your have peri
then you reach menopause after one year
then your post menopause / menopause reached
jay xx
marlene21102 Astrid64
Just prayed I had genes that got rid off it well past my sell by date .
Some women sail through it virtually unscathed,I'm not one alas
Think how is for 1 not same for another ,I began at 48 had iffy few yrs then a lull of 4 years thought all done then got illness ,I got all those symptoms back exactly like I did at 48 ,so a second menopause .
Drs don't know much ,women here know more about it .Do what you need to do for you now,go with your gut feeling about your health .Never let you down .Wish I knew at 48 what I know now .No IPad back then I wish .
jayneejay marlene21102
oh youve cheered me up no end hahahahahahahahahaha
only joking 😊
jay xx
Astrid64 marlene21102
Had the contraceptive Nexplanon removed 1 month ago and no period yet, so I am as usual clueless lol xx
jayneejay Astrid64
your body will soon get its natural rhythm .. And then you can suss out how many periods you get etc..
i would jot them down in a diary .. I did all mine for years..
i watched mine drop over 9-10 years - each year a couple less..
last year 2013 i had just two periods and this year none...
soon you will know where your at .. Just take abit of time ..
jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
All 3 of us got that Gyne going on like you at present .Hope one of these fine days I'll get up and hey presto it's died the death I wish on it every morning and last thing at night .
Want something what Dotties on,All of us
Oh Happy days xxx
jayneejay marlene21102
oh no i hope all three of you havent got infections like mine..
they need treatment ... Or wont go..
i like my magnesium oil spray 😊 had two lots today in the lower back where i get my monkey spine pain... Its nice .. Not greasy ... seems to have a relaxing effect on me does magnesium...
four squirts in the hand then rub into back 😊
i need someone tasty to rub it in my back for me 😊😊😊😊
' ummmm a gingerbread man is about all i will get at the moment '
Jay xx
jayneejay marlene21102
since i been taking those pro biotics that you have too..
my digestive has improved no end .. infact its alot better in last few days too..
i am taking an extra one while on antibiotics as they kill all of your good bacteria as well as the bad ..
jay xx
marlene21102 Astrid64
jayneejay marlene21102
i got those home test menopause sticks.. Off ebay got about 5 for few pounds years ago..
my first FSH blood test came back normal as periods were not minimal enough each year for a true blood test result..
doc said hormones too erractic for true blood test after, but he said i was in peri all the same from the symptoms..
but .... The home tests did say positive for peri meno..
so just shows you..
but rememebr that Astrid is still adjusting from the hormone implant so she wont be in her natural state yet she only had it removed a month ago.
but it may work .. But astrid may still have hormones from the implant in her body still yet ..
Jay xx
marlene21102 jayneejay
marlene21102 jayneejay
jayneejay marlene21102
Any contraceptive pills or implants can take up to 6 months to get back to normal after not taking or removal..
Jay xx