Menopause/migraine aura
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my aura migraines have started coming back after about 45 years. i had them as a teenager & out of the blue im getting them very frequently . ive become very anxious about them. Im 57 years old and i think it maybe the menopause. im now taking propronolol for them. Does anyone know of a good supplement that might help with migraine & menopause, as i get hot flushes & sweats. Im not on hrt. There are so many different things out there you can buy it becomes overwelming and i don't know where to start. Has anyone tried anything that has helped? anyone tried hrt patches?
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shylee louise87148
hi louise.
i am 50 and have always had hormonal migraines/aura migraines. they became worse with peri and i do take migraine wafers. i am on hrt patches as i got the megga whammy of symptoms. it hasn't stopped the migraines though it helps with many other symptoms. i hope you find something to help soon.
Gypsy014 louise87148
Hi. I never had a migraine in my life until 3 years ago they all started and got progressively worse from then on I will be 49 next month so I guess I'm at the age for peri, all my symptoms started to get really bad at 43 even though ive had so many other symptoms for yrs since I had a hysterectomy with ovaries left in me..anyhow these migraines that I get are so bad I can go numb on one side if body I can feel like I can't talk or move one side of my body during an attack I can get dizzy walk sideways can't think straight so many symptoms that go along with these scary migraines besides the actual tourturing. Migraine that occurs during the attack.. I can't rake hormones anf nothing helps them, ive had an MRI which shows nothing thank god because I really thought there must be some kind of tumor or something going on up there.. And with my health anxiety I tend to think something still good be brewing that they haven't found yet ... I have no idea why some woman suffer with these awful migraines more others during this time or why nothing helps them .. But I can tell you I get them at the same exact times every single month fluorescent lighting in stores and perfume smells and lights on ambulances. And newer tvs and. Tablets and computers can trigger an extra one during the month if I'm not careful to avoid these triggers.. My husband thinks I'm nuts and that makes me so sad , the other day he asked me why I don't go into a certain store anymore and I said because of my migraines, he responded oh yeah right keep telling yourself that the mind is a powerful thing, and I said oh so now I'm imagining all this, men just don't get it or understand.. Sorry for the long reply but I get them with auras and nothing helps them and they are debilitating.. And I'm guessing that the drop estrogen brings them on every month, also when I get the bad night sweats for a week straight then the migraine follows them for a week so i can tell when they're coming.. Well anyhow hopefully you find something to help ease the pain from them.. Good luck
louise87148 Gypsy014
Thankyou for your reply. i do agree with you that some family members think im nuts too. They think im bringing them on more because i get so anxious. Im anxious all the time & I can go 6 months without one.. It is a great comfort to know im not alone . Thank you
HollyE75 Gypsy014
I started with menstrual migraines at 42 (2 years ago) and have been trying everything I can to make them stop. Even taking bio-identical progesterone and estradiol cream did nothing. I tried DIM, I supplement with magnesium, nothing. I'm back to square one. I'm new here and joined for that very question. The migraines are horrible, but no aura for me.
Gypsy014 HollyE75
Hi Holly, yes nothing seems to work on these migraines, I just avoid triggers as much as I can so I don't get extra ones during the month, and not much you can do with the ones that happen from the hormone decline.. Only hope one day they subside with menopause.. For me I had a hysterectomy with ovaries left in me so I have no idea when menopause will be complete, maybe when all my symptoms are gone then I know..
jane66356 louise87148
I just posted on another discussion about migraines. I started getting menstrual migraines (with aura) about in my mid-30s. I'm now 52 and have been supplementing with 250 mg of magnesium twice a day for the past 10 years. It has cut down on the number of migraines and has lessened the intensity if I do get one.
staci88515 louise87148
I started getting menstrual migraines at 37/38. I had my first migraine aura last year at 43. It was the scariest thing I ever experienced as I had never heard of them before that day. I have zero words of wisdom, just sharing my experience. xo