Menopause misery
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I'm at my wit's end. This started on 1/2/17. I got acid reflux which I have had before. It causes me chest and back pain. I went to Dr who gave me nexium which I have taken before with no problem. It helped with the acid but this time it made me extremely anxious and jittery. Call doc switched me to protonic which I only took 1 day and then woke up with a racing heart and made my first trip to the er cause I thought I was having a heart attack. Everything checked out ok thank God! Switched to OTC priolosec then I felt dizzy for 4 weeks. Got off Prilosec and watched my diet. Dizzy eventually stopped. The acid was ok. Then I started to feel like my body was vibrating internally. Especially in my left leg and I got ringing going in my right ear went to doc.he did blood tests for thyroid and vitamin deficiency. Everything good. Felt good for a couple weeks except for a cold then a I got a pain In my shoulder and then the burning stomach started again with the chest pains and elbow pains all on left side and strange sensation in my bottom front teeth. . All intermittent. Back to er. Had blood test, EKG, echo, chest x-ray, nuclear stress test and a blood test for a pulmonary embolism all clear. Thank God! Yet I'm am still feeling pains in my chest arm shoulder and teeth. I'm am terrified all the time. I can't stop crying. Can this really be Peri or menopause. I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago that left the ovaries but I have no idea where I'm at since I don't get a period. BTW also went to gynecologist who just wanted to put me on Prozac. Also had a scope and no ulcer or erosion just gets. Please help. Sorry so long!
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Guest Edell7329
You sound a lot like me. If you look at the topic of Anxiety or Perimenopause? You will see more.
When I first went downhill it was August, thought I had silent reflux after having a sore, dry throats for a long time. The ENT scoped me and said that's what it was. I also went through awful side effects from nexium, Prilosec, Zantac.. nexium was the worse, awful anxiety and shaking. Zantac made my liver enzymes high. Went to the ER twice with chest pains. Changed my diet and lost 30 pounds very fast. Then the onslaught of symptoms came on, you name it, I had it..shaking, heart palps, high heart rate but low bp, flu like feelings, upper back pain and pressure, hard time breathing, frozen painful shoulder. I truly thought I was dying. Have had every test, gall bladder removed, still not well. Coming to the conclusion that it has ALL been perimeno related! And it all started with antacids!
supemack39 Guest
I posted on this topic several weeks ago. The reflux is yet another meno symptom, and if beta blockers etc. are taken, they relax the muscle at the top if your stomach, which then releases even more acid into the chest and throat. I wondered why I was given ranitidine on the same prescription as the beta blockers. A banana actually helps with the reflux as does an apple. I started magnesium cell salts which settled the reflux and also calms me. Think of the old "milk of magnesium" which I always have in my cupboard. The internal shakes are settling down and the anxiety is barely noticeable. When gps give you one medicine and then give you another to counteract the side effects this can not be right. So apart from hrt, vitamins and the cell salts, mag phos and kali phos (which is for nerves) I no longer take any other medication. My painful shoulder is hugely improved thanks again to the magnesium. Antacids don't have very good reviews! Let me know how you get on?
Guest supemack39
I've been doing epsom salt baths but it's not helping my shoulder. I can't take nsaids because of gastritis. I'll look at getting some magnesium supplements, do you take Milk of Magnesium or something else?
I was hoping that when I started BHRT my frozen shoulder would miraculously disappear. No such luck, but it's only been a week. I'm feeling twinges in my left one too, honestly, two frozen shoulders and I'm going to start waving the white flag!
My GYN's answer was BC pills. GP's answer was antidepressants since he came to the conclusion that nothing was wrong with me. Ortho said, after hearing I can't take Advil, 'you're screwed, this would be a good time for marijuana', cardio's answer was mindfulness (karma will get that witch, she's younger so her time is coming), Another doc prescribed klonopin. Good Lord, if I was on all this stuff I don't know if I'd even be able to get out of bed!
Wish I would've known how bad peri can mess you up. Nobody warns you!
supemack39 Guest
SoccerMom Edell7329
This sounds similar to my story. I'm 50. Sept 2016 went to dr for chest burning. Had abdominal CT & discovered small hiatal hernia. Went to cardiologist & all was fine. Was put on Nexium. After 3 weeks I developed muscle spasms in my legs. Looked up side effects of Nexium-muscle spasms was one of them. Took myself off of it & also stopped taking my birth control. I didn't want to take anything after developing the spasms (to this day I still have the spasms). Had an upper GI, all was fine. Then came the anxiety, health anxiety, panic attacks, muscle pain, weakness in my legs, pain in my chest, brain fog, night sweats, unexplained pulled muscles, burning under my skin, ringing in my ears. Went to neurologist for muscle spasms who diagnosed me with benign fasciculation (I still think it's from the Nexium). My GP has given up on me. I've had tons of blood work which all came back fine, thank God. He's basically thrown his hands in the air and said there's nothing left to test. I even went to a wellness dr and had intracellular blood work done to check my nutrient levels. Gyno put me on progesterone for a month which helped mentally a little bit. After a trip to the ER for dizziness & being diagnosed with inner ear, I called gyno office crying & begging to check my hormone levels. (I've cried to every doctor I've been to). She called & told me that blood work showed I am menopausal. I got back on the pill and 3 months later I am doing so much better mentally. No panic attacks, no brain fog, no dizziness. I still have muscle issues and a little anxiety, but nothing like before. I was so bad off, I just wanted someone to take me to a hospital & leave me there until they could figure out what was wrong with me. It's still hard for me to accept that all of this weird stuff going on with my body everyday is from menopause. I don't understand how I went from a healthy, active person to someone who has all of these aches & pains.
Guest SoccerMom
Maybe it all starts with GI issues, I'm starting to see a trend here!
I had a partial hiatal hernia and chronic gastritis to start.
I was so sick that I actually did go to the hospital and begged to find out what was wrong, that's when they found the bad gall bladder but it didn't make a difference in the end.
I've cried to all my docs as well. That only fuels the 'you're depressed or crazy' notion.
My gp suggested I go to Mayo after he couldn't think of anything else to test!
Whenever I'd mention hormones to any of them they'd have no clue.
So frustrating.