Menopause or not?
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I am 47 years old with a diagnosis of adenonyosis, for the past year my periods have been extremely heavy, but then In April they just stopped coming. I have not had a period since April 7th, I had my tubes cut burned and tied 18 years ago so I'm a little confused. Has anybody else had this happen to them ? I have had one episode of spotting and it literally was one trip to the restroom and then nothing more after that one time.
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mary27278 Mamaw08
It could be perimenopause, but it's best to have it checked out to make sure everything is ok, if you haven't already.
littleme1969 Mamaw08
mary27278 littleme1969
Littleme, how old were you when you first started with your symptons? I was hoping that mine would have been an easy one, I had no idea that it would be this way.
I'm getting my IUD out on Monday and I pray my symptons lessen up. For some reason I think is why my symptons are severe. My periods has always been irregular until I got the paraguard IUD, it regulated it clockwise until I started my peri. I'm wondering what will happen to it when taken out, will it stop completely?
I just want my life back and my body back!
littleme1969 mary27278
Sadly i have no experience with IUDs.. so i cant help on that.. ive knoewn quite a few people who have had to have them removed when Peri set in as it just made things worse. Maybe do a new topic about IUD and menopause im sure you will get lets of comments and help. I thought that it was bad living with chronic ilness most of my adult life.. but menopause has taken it to new level of CRAZY that i could have never imagined so i feel your pain and too just wish i had my old life back, even though it was compremised with ilness . All we can do is hang on and try and treat the symptoms as best we can. Its just a huge rollercoaster and it changes from one hour to the next.. clining on with white knuckles seems to be all we can do
mary27278 littleme1969
How do you get diagnoise with CFS? What is HYPER POTS? Like me, health challenges that I've dealt with resurfaced, such as interstitial cystitis and I got gastritis when I started the peri. It's very challenging trying to eat the right foods, if it's good for one but its not good for the other which has caused me to loss weight. We just have to press forward everyday.
littleme1969 mary27278
Pots info above.
My story is a long one lasting 28 years.. At the age of 20 i had glandular fever which wasent bad at all.. but shortly after i started having alot of heart issues and weird anxiety type syptoms for no reason. I ended up in hospiatl for a week and even though they admited something wasent right they couldnt give me a diagnosis. Well considering POTS didnt offically get its name until a few years after that is why they coudnt give me a name for it. 4 years later i had my secon pregnancy .. not knowing that i had the pOTS condition in my system i ended up almost dying from complications. from that point on my health was not good one problem after another chronic fatigue no energy .. joint pain and weakness.. stomach issues . Some how i battled on for 6 years until my body finally gave out and i just couldnt go any longer. I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and adrenal issues.. fast forward another 13 years after having many relapses i ended up with a whole new range of weird sypmtoms. Burning skin nerve pain , burnt mouth syndrome chronic joint and muscle pain... lots of other weird stuff. At this point my doctor finally clicked on to what had been happening all these years and diagnosed me with CFS/ME after lots of tests to rule out anything else. Fast forward another 3 years and we finally realised that the whole time i had Hyper Pots also.. which caused the original weakness. They often go together. I think my syptoms got much worst due to Peri menopause kicking.. so in a way it did me a big favour and after 28 years i finally know what has been wrong all these years.
Like you i have bladder issues.. infact constant UTI type syptoms was one of my first Peri symptoms.. but the burning pain spread all over my body over time.. I understand again this is common. I also have stomach issues in as much as everytime i eat my body has a huge adrenaline rush which causes my heart to race and blood pressure to rise.. leaves you feeling really weird and panicky for no reason. I have also developed lots of weird allergies so like you i have to watch what i eat and can only eat small amounts at once.
Mamaw08 littleme1969
littleme1969 Mamaw08