Menopause-So Sleepy
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No matter how long I sleep, I feel so sleepy! Does anyone has the same experience? My sleep test comes back is ok. I know I have thyroid issue, but my blood work comes back ok. I have not idea what is wrong.
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rachel83125 lucy48229
yes me too. I could sleep at any time of the day or night. I do get up between 6.30am & 7am but I could honestly lay on all day. I do have to have a siesta every day, usually about an hour & a half to 2 hours every afternoon and then I feel a bit better but then always go to bed at 10pm whatever day it is (what a party pooper!) and am always tired and go off to sleep with no bother. I also have hypothyroidism but that is checked every 6 months and I use medication for that, its at the correct levels so they say. Ihave no idea if this will be me forever or it will hopefully fizzle out and I maybe able to get through a whole day without a sleep. I live in hope. Good luck!
kelly55079 lucy48229
Yes, I have always said that-- I sleep (7-8 hours) but it doesn't ever feel enough. Could be why I'm tired by 9 pm. I take many supplements that help BUT around my period I usually super exhausted.
heather29740 lucy48229
Me too , I am tired all the time.
Last night I had to take what was a non drowsy anti histamine and I was sound asleep for 14 hours , must admit that I have been needing it .
I go in tomorrow to get a polyp removed from my womb and I'm absolutely petrified as its under General anaesthetic and I'm very obese.
Well back to feeling tired all the time I'm exhausted but I think the cause of it is disruption of my sleep by being overweight . I think I may have sleep apnea (sorry don't know how to spell it) and I'm waking myself cause my breathing is getting cut off. I don't have confidence in my G.P.s anymore as they see the anxious person before they see the patient.
I am as you say sleepy but I just carry on and hope for the best and that is all I can wish for you ladies in the same position. ....... Heather
P.S. Let me know if any of you get through this new trauma just one of many in menopause or should I say being women.
kelly55079 heather29740
You can ask for a sleep test just to make sure!! And tell the Dr that you snore very loud-- usually then they will order the test. But gosh good for you to 14 hours of sleep--I could never. But usually when exhausted, I can take a long nap. : ) Good luck tomorrow on your polyp!!
heather29740 kelly55079
Thank you,
Usually my problem is getting to sleep cause I constantly worry about everything and everyone and I look up and its six o'clock in the morning and then that's when I fall asleep just as everyone is getting up. Yesterday I had been really itchy and as usual the non drowsy anti histamine knocked me out for hours it is really weird as its non drowsy!!!!
I also sit sometimes and feel absolutely wiped out I think that may be down to my weight or my depression or even constant anxiety, really take your pick as when you look on the internet for what makes you tired they are all in the top five.
Hoping you have better times .....Heather x