Menopause!! Some thing to answer too
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Hiya all you lovely strong ladies out there, how are you all doing??
4+ years in to the so called crap, the menopause, really was hoping this would be my year,to be ending this misery 😩... 10 month, no period, clinging to the hope of that full year clear, I’m on Prozac for bad depression ( 17 yrs) for me, hot flashes have gone, whoopie😁, still seem to get a new symptom every week tho, loosing count how many Iv gone through now days, think my mind just stopped counting them..
well fantasic, thank you Mother Nature, a full blown period as started, 🤨 nooooo please not now, throught I was doing well, but even tho I’m on Prozac, my depression as just hit the floor like a bomb, sad times... bloody period done this.. why do us woman have to have all this thrown at us over the years, we get PMT from early age, bad periods, and now to top it all of the bloody menopause, think it needs a lot more talking about early on in life ( well I do ) so even through we are not prepared, we know what will happen, not that it will help us at all, but all I thought was we put on weight, and hot flashes for a few years, OMG if I’d known it is this bad, and for such a long time as well.. how do we cope with it all?? Maybe as we are woman and have to be strong, and of course we don’t have much chiose do we... it’s about time we were all tuk more seriously, about this menopause, and some thing new out there to take, other then HRT as I can’t take that any way, so my doc more or less tells me to just get on with it, as tho it would all be over in two weeks, I wish 🤨..
Iv tried black gosh, and other herbal stuff , but for ME it just don’t do any thing.. so here I am trying to get through this, I feel like sticking my head in the sand untill this is all done, and all I can hope for is some of my life back, when I’m done with this menopause, well I hope my life will get back to norm, as it’s the only thing I can live in hope that it will..
Well that’s my moan done lol.. keep going strong you lovely ladies, and I hope we are here for each other every step of the way ... big hug 🤗xx
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jackie92665 dawn70425
Hi Dawn,sorry to hear your feeling like this menopause is horrible.🙁I totally agree with you about menopause being talked about earlier in life.Its something you don't really hear about until you start going through it,and when you do,it's kind of made out to be nothing important. I was peri for 3years then I had my ovaries removed and was in post menopause when I woke up. I think GPs should be made to be more aware of the mental and physical torture us women have to go through!hugs?
dawn70425 jackie92665
HI Jackie ... yeah I agree with you about docs not knowing much, they don’t at all, my doc is a man and he said he couldn’t ever be able to understand what I was going through... well some one does really need to understand, or have some one who does know what we go through... it’s not easy, ... thanks for your time in getting back on here, hope your ok now? 🤗x
Pipalongstockin dawn70425
Hi Dawn
I'm going through hell too.
I'm 54 and have been going through the hot flushes sleepless nights etc for the last year as I stopped my HRT patches, then recently I started a new job and I'm not coping, so I've finally started prozac it's not kicking in yet but I have only started a small dose 10 mg as I don't like to take antidepressants but my doctor said this drug is very good. I also have taken black cosh and various other herbal tablets no good for me I'm going to try the maca capsules next.
If all else fails I'll go back on my HRT just really can't cope with being hot and cold all the time . I stopped my periods 4 years ago I thought I would of been throu the worse 😩😩
dawn70425 Pipalongstockin
HI pipa..
Omg don’t say that lol🤨. I throught once u periods were done, it’s a recovery time for us, what the hell is our body’s doing to us..
Prozac is a very good med ( for me) BUT it will take 10/12 weeks b4 you start to feel better, as the saying goes, it WILL get worse for you, b4 it gets better... I’m on 60mg and again for ME it wasn’t untill I went higher and 3 months down the line that this med worked... a lot of people can’t cope at the start of this med, and want to give in, I did as I was in this black tunnel I couldn’t get out of it... but once’s u get there life is much better... ...
other then this stupid menopause dragging me down now and again, think hormones are just all over the place, today I feel fine again.. and Prozac did stop my hot flashes which my doc had said would help, so hopefully if you manage to stick with Prozac you will start to feel some what better...
For me if I could take HRT I’d be on that, as people have said it’s good med, just why going through this crap any way... good luk chic, I really do hope you find your way through this time in our lives.. big hug 🤗x