Menopause Symptoms

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My menopause symtoms are getting worse, night sweats, achy muscles and feeling tired , does anyone know what to take that could relieve the symtoms ?? 

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23 Replies

  • Posted

    Do you also suffer from achy muscles as well and feeling tired all the while? 
    • Posted

      hi janet

      i am age 50 ( 51 in june) and had a ten year peri.. i am post meno now, cant take HRT .. but do use ovestin vaginal estriol ovules via Gyno for dryness as its been so annoying .. it only treats that and keeps the urethra hydrated too. ( so soothing cant be without it, things really improved, also use premeno ( non hormonal ) ovules in between .. 

      yes i still have dizzy spells and weird days and hot flushes returned after none for years..

      i may have an under active thyroid, I have just been retested ..

      i havent taken any vits or supplements for 3-4 weeks so my blood tests were accurate .. i am waiting all the results.

      oh my .. all i will say is i have ached like heck since not having anything.

      i have restarted my Maca, and Kelp 1000mg , as Kelp - if  i dont take it makes my hair loss come back and bendy nails.. 

      Kelp is amazing .. i get mine from simply supplements 1000mg have one a day..

      i was told to take kelp via a doctor due to thinning hair and i did for years and my hair thickened and was great - last year i stopped my kelp thinking maybe hair okay now, and 3 months later it was falling out and clogging up the plug hole, in clumps, i restarted it again and a few weeks later no hair loss


      jay x

    • Posted

      Hi jayneejay

      I am 58 and been in menopause for about 8yrs now was hoping it was finished , but last year i had a minor stroke and my symtoms have got worse with a vengeance so much so i went to the doctors to see if anything was wrong !! had bloods taken and my thyroid as come back border line and my liver test was abnormal but all the other test were fine, returned this week for follow up blood test on liver thats improved slightly and got to return in a 2 months for a another thyroid test ...but i am in despair as i feel so tired and the night sweats are getting worse and i suffer from arthritus so it make my pain worse , so wil try anything where can i get it from ? janet 

    • Posted

      Janet you sound like me ..

      my thyroid was TSH 3.1 ... T4 on low end , so also border line, but was taking kelp and that is also for thyroid health.. So had tests redone when not had kelp.

      when i had my last tests in feb, i also had 3 bulging / slippes disks in back and shingles .. 😟

      had a lumbar scan to see severity of bulging disks and it showed my liver also had 2 lesions/tumours.. Hoping just cysts .. 

      So i also had a liver function test too last week.

      i had amoebic dysentry years ago when i lived in saudi, when hubby worked there,  was ill for 9 months, and that can affect liver, so always had a liver fuction test every year - 2 years cuz of that, but never a scan.. Scary 

      so sorry you had a mild stroke Janet.. always check its okay to take vits ..

      magnesium good for heart, its the first thing the paramedic gives you after a heart attack etc.

      jay x

    • Posted

      O dear you have been through the wars and you also need to take care of yourself and fingers crossed it is cysts, as i lost my sister to liver cancer so obviously alarm bells started sounding when they mentioned problems with my liver..

      Thanks for heads up on Vits i will go to boots tonite 



  • Posted

    I take vitamin D310ug – B6 150mg in the mornings. In the evening I take Osteocare original by Vitabiotics it has (Calcium-Magnesium-D3 & Zinc) the magnesium is for muscle pain & D3 is for bone pain. I have researched this as I had pain all over especially in my arms & neck & couldn’t bare the pain any longer it was driving me insane! I am so happy this has worked for me, it took a good couple of months to kick in but I feel like my old self again! Doctors don’t seem to know enough about the change & as long as you get all your blood test done, its better trying an alternative. I don’t want HRT as they say when you stop taking them the symptom’s come back? My sister takes HRT & swears by them!

    I also put flax seeds in my porridge & juice, vegetables only & always with some beetroots, good for the blood!

    Hope this helps, good luck!

    • Posted

      I also take calcium and Vit D3 

      in one.. Called Natecal chewable .. 

      And yes HRT helps many, i cant and dont wish to take it either.

      i have reached post meno ( 19 months) HRT postpones menopause yes, as it boosts the declining hormones then when your told to come off its peri meno again in later life ..

      Jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Barbara 

      I know exactly how you feel , i also have been in a lot of pain and infact went to the docs about this and ended up having blood tests done - doc thinking there was something wrong with my muscles - where can get these vits from ? 

    • Posted

      Hi Janet - The Osteocare I buy from Boots or Morrisons & the rest is from Holland & Barret. I wait for the penny sales they do!
  • Posted

    I'm the same Janet

    Infact I'm back at my gp tonight

    Bet they are sick if seeing me nvr been for years and the last 5mnths I've never been away

    I don't get the night sweats but get the restlessness/ palpitations /awake asleep awake all night long

    Horrific knee pain hence causing mobility probs but getting that looked at next week pain has subsided slightly since commencing on HRT but I've got this awful feeling in a morning just like morning sickness & actually vomitting but hence I have empty stomach so nothing there it's awful I've lost just on 3stone since December food just doesn't interest me at all but this week I've made myself have little n often to try n curb this horrible irratabilty nausea feeling

    Oh to being a woman eh I said to my friend yesterday I felt quite faint n lightheaded n when I was getting ready start my

  • Posted

    Oops sorry sent h4 finished

    B4 I started my periods at around 13i felt like I do now

    Light headed

    Head feels awash

    Feeling sick

    Feeling faint needing sit down

    Hope I can get sorted later sad

    • Posted

      Hi Carol 

      I know i feel the same i have been at the docs the last month on and off 

      with different things - which is why he made me have a blood test to check a few things ie thyroid and liver and kidneys ect 

      i suffer with osteoarthiritus so i also have pain in my knee

      I am awake most nights on and off cant remember when i have had a decent nite sleep in months!! hence when i get up in the morning i am still tired and very achy and stiff because my body as not had time to relax ...i have got to return to the docs in just over a month to have thyroid re -checked as it came back borderline - the dizzy feeling comes over me even when sat down sometimes 

      I think i need putting in a bag a shaking llol 

      Hope you can get it sorted soon 

    • Posted

      Hi Janet

      Saw doc last night took me off the HRT n put me on an antidepressant n a sleeper actually slept all night but feel tired this morning too, told me to take paracetam n ibuprofen regular for my oesteoarthritis n more bloods to check sugar thyroid n vit d n go back in 2 weeks

      Hope yur feeling better soon xx

    • Posted

      Hi Carol 

      At least you have got something sorted - my doc wont give me sleeping tabs and i dont really want to go down the rd of anti depressant tabs as they make you feel more tired as well , and i am working full time at the moment 

      But hope it helps you!and they get you sorted Ps may i ask how old you are ? 

    • Posted

      Hi carolmayhew 

      Glad you got some help from doc.. 

      I take a sleeper on occasion - which did he give you ..

      jay x 

    • Posted

      Zoplicone jayneejay 7.5mg

      1st night I took it I was ok n watched bit if TV

      N fell asleep smile woke at 5.30

      Then last night same thing but took it at about 9 ish b4 going to bed I was on my FaceBook n got this weird feeling like I was jumpy n slight palpitations so went to bed n was really unsettled so need see how I go tonight & I just take it as I get into bed & see how I get on if it carries on I'll have to get it changed or speak to pharmacy n see if I can take 1/2 a tablet sad

    • Posted

      Hi hun

      Yes i have taken zopiclone on and off for years..

      I also have 7.5mg but i split them and take 30 mins before bed.

      7.5 mg gives me a thick head but half doesnt.

      Strange you got 7.5mg as norm is 3.75mg for starters etc

      They are very addictive and you can rely on them. ( this happened to me)

      Jay x

    • Posted

      OOOPS soz

      Not much sleep for a while will try 1 more tonight but if I get the restlessness n fidgety feeling again I'll 1/2 the tablet n see how I go on


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