menopause symptons
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Im in the menopause stage i think im still in early stages I dont have the hot flushes but I have the aches and pains palps terrible memory problems and other niggles I also am having a lot of trapped wind especially in the upper chest and the back are does any one else suffer yes I also get a lot of post nasal drip and increased mucus I would appreciate some advice if any one else suffers with "Wind" please I have been sipping on a fizzy drink which helps but doesnt because of the sugar content if you know what I mean many thanks
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julie7525 sue58256
Oh and for the chronic indigestion, gaviscon doesnt really touch it now, tried various antacids to no avail, now trying ginger herbal tea & chewing fresh ginger, particularly helps with heartburn! Wondering if it could be a hiatus hernia with it being daily, will mention it at docs on next visit. Seem to be at docs all the time the last 2 yrs yet i hate going to the docs, ive always avoided it till i cant avoid it any more! Lots of food triggers to avoid...bread, biscuits, cakes, anything sugary/fatty/ with gluten, dairy/ certain veg, onions, tomatoes, spices, beans. Saying that ive just had omelette and mackerel and am burping like a trooper lol. Makes it hard to breathe effectively, then im tight in the chest and start worrying if im not careful! Let's hope its only a 2 year thing eh?!
sue58256 julie7525
Thank you so much for your reply yes I'm on anti-depressants and have just reduced my beta blockers and YES nearly every day I get the pain under my left ribs in between my back shoulder blades and at the top!! I was starting to get worried. my stomach has always been a minor irritation to me for years but have noticed it getting worse I go through stages when I feel nauseous for a day or two they stuck me on omeprazole but have been on them over a year and theres a lot of side effects but thank you for your advice x
maisie05 sue58256
I'm glad you are aware of the side effects of the Omeprazole Sue. They caused me palpitations, body aches, heavy limbs, fatigue and fuzzy head. I know a lot of these symptoms can be perimenopause too, but I felt better after I cut down then stopped the Omeprazole. Have you looked on the Omeprazole forum? It's worth reading other people's experiences while taking it.
Sally4x julie7525
Guest julie7525
Yep...everything Julie & Sue too! I've been trying to make my diet more alkaline. Cutting out sugar helped...if I eat or drink anything that my body interprets as sugar ( including refined flours, pastas, alcohol etc), I have to do it within 15 minutes of a main meal ( always with protein), otherwise I get migraine and increased heartburn. Had to cut out citrus for the heartburn, already gluten & dairy free. My nails seemed to get better on magnesium. I get the pain under the left ribs too....never know if it's my back/ribs or indigestion/ reflux...sometimes wearing no bra and putting an ice pack on my mid back works more than anything.Also have increased allergies with increased sinus and post nasal drip, scratchy throat. Oh and the memory problems.....I have complete blanks on the names of things, whether it's a vegetable or a person! I try to stay positive and plod on through it all but hell! It really sucks!
sue58256 Guest
omg lisk yes I get the scratchy throat too I take an antihistamine for my allergies because if I don't I scratch like mad I'm so glad I'm not going mad I was beginning to think I was in the early stage of dementia!!! it is so embarrassing I must admit my doc told me to go dairy free but I hate the soya milk but will try and persevere i don't eat a lot of cheese or yogurts so thats, not a problem. but thank you so much both ladies for your help xx
sue58256 maisie05
sue58256 julie7525
sue58256 julie7525
thank you, Julie and I will seriously look into the diet I do take supplements evening primrose fish oils vit d and I have craved the sweet things far too much this last month so it will be a total ban and with the wheat. who would have thought the bloody menopause would have caused so many problems! the one thing I am grateful for is I haven't got the migraines when I was a child I suffered badly to the point I had to stay in a darkened room for twenty-four hours and it used to paralyze me down one side. the doc said I would get them back in the menopause. touch wood I haven't
julie7525 sue58256
Hi Sue, Ive had menstrual migraine for 20 years so the one good thing about the meno is no more menstrual migraines lol. I still get the occasional stress migraine but rarely now that im on betablockers. Im due at docs next friday and will ask about possibility of hiatus hernia, im just burping, bloated, chest discomfort every day, there's no let up. Heartburn and acid reflux at times too, tho i wonder if its my meds causing that. Ive been just getting on with the stomach issue cos ive been more consumed by the palpitations and panic attacks, but often the palps come when im bloated and burping, so maybe if i could calm my stomach id not have the palps and anxiety that they make me feel?! Gaviscon and antacids do nothing, started drinking ginger tea, it does help for burning oesophagus/acid reflux. Tastes nice too lol. Yes it is a bit of a rollercoaster this menopause, id rather go through another 20yrs of migraines than this, at least I had good days in between! Hope you are doing Ok, keep in touch xx
sue58256 julie7525
Hi Julie well I don't know if I would rather have the migraines lol but I agree with having the palps and the burping, I have also noticed without being crude of passing wind, it's been every day for the last three to four weeks so yes i think it may be a visit to the docs. I was on propranolol forty mg for about 10 months for the palps i only take ten now but still get them and I'm on citalopram 10mg my doc wont consider taking me off them until at least the summer as I have a tendecy to depression and the menopause heightened it. with the stomach area they put me on omeprazole but Ive heard so many bad side effects I stopped them . maybe that's why I have the increased flatulence problem? I just want to wake up in the morning and feel "well" I will go and buy some ginger tea to try and I will keep in touch take care x