Menopause & the heart

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Hello, I've been menopausal for about a year and a half, does anybody have the thing where the heart seems to stop then start again but feels like it's beating the wrong way round ( does that even make any sense) and it feels hot flushes start in my chest, it starts with a pain then It travels up to my face and my heart starts racing, when it first started I thought the pain in my chest was a heart attack which of course it wasn't  but I was fretting about it so much it started off panic attacks so I'm now taking propranolol for those, anybody else with the same things going on???


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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello angela. Yes that happened to me when I stopped my HRT, which was foolish of because I did it without telling the doctor. Basically I went into the menopause so like you I had the symptoms. My GP told me it was due to the drop in my progesterone and I had to start the HRT again and reduce very gradually. I also had an ECG and blood tests but all was ok. 
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    hi angela .. i have (or had) a condition called atrial fibrillation i dont think its to do with the  menopause, but it is were your heart flips and flutters and misses beats and runs to fast, iv not had an episode for a while so i came off my tablets, but you should get it checked out .. the menopause comes with so many different issues who knows what is connected to it ..
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    That's y I had the ECG. Doctors will not take risks with these symptoms. They must be investigated.
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    Yes, this is sometimes common. I get the heart palpitation thing too. A bit scary to say the least.
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    I can absolutely identify with those symptoms. I too thought my heart was stopping and promptly always feel for a pulse in my neck, then realise my heart is still beating and I am not dying!!  Then turns into panic and my heart races and beats so fast and very loudly.  I had to call the ambulance once, but by the tine they turned up I felt better!!..

    I am holding off from taking meds and hoping to control it myself.

    Good luck but just know you are not alone and if and when it happens again just think other women are feeling the same.

    Good Luck....

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    Totally relate too...sometimes my heart does a hop skip and then beats about 6 times really fast then back to normal.  Been having pain in my left arm and stabbing pain in my chest occasionally but my doctor just said it's unlikely to be my heart! x
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    I have had the exact same symptoms you are describing. I went to the doctor and found out I have premature atrial contarctions in my heart. I was put on an Holter monitor and found out that it is the only arithmia that I have and it is a begnine thing. So now I am not worrying of dying of an heart attack anymore. I still have the same symptoms and feel exactly how you feel.  Get your heart checked with an EKG. The doctor should catch the arithmia right away. Good luck and do not worry toomuch, I think that is what you have.  It is related to menopause for sure!
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      yes hello I've had an ECG done twice and had the heart monitor on for 24 hours but nothing showed up at the time but at the time of the monitor I hadn't been feeling unwell it always seems to be fine when the tests are being done :0(
    • Posted

      yes hello I've had an ECG done twice and had the heart monitor on for 24 hours but nothing showed up at the time but at the time of the monitor I hadn't been feeling unwell it always seems to be fine when the tests are being done :0(
  • Posted

    Yes Heart Palpations or something like that it's called. I have that since years, even before peri....Ususally harmless and certainly can be brought upon the hormonal changes. High strength Magnesium helps a lot with them smile

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