menoporsal spots
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hi all so v been to the dr had my bloods done and they came back said menoporse. as of today i have spots coming up everywere big ones on face and neck yuk.
im also having like a very very light ping blood stained loss. not even worth a pad but there when i wipe. i know my homones are up and down everywere and im going from one symptom to the next sick of it.
so any help with ideas on getting my imbalance on herbals to controll the spots now. as im now thin haird spotty fat and geti g wrinkly just want to cry and my husband said i smell funny. iv just had to have my hair cut off so it looks a bit thicker so now cant have long hair. i dont want to get old but seeing it in mirror more everyday and feeling it. but spots. o i dont want spots they ugly.
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wendy36287 d19606
Nita1960 d19606
I don't know how old you are. I'm 56 and symptoms are to say the least, horrendous. I still get break outs. I have been taking evening primrose oil caps fir years now abandoned they really help me with skin, hair, nails, breast pain. I still get all problems but mildly. It is the stress and anxiety that is worse for me. Tea tree oil is very good for skin. Also cleanse and tone moisturise every night. It is a chore but it really helps your skin. If you can afford it no perfumed products and don't put soap on face, just cleanse and tone after shower, bath etc. Hope this helps.
jayne87654 d19606
maisie05 d19606
Can you have a facial and get some advice on products to use from the beautician, will make you feel pampered too.
I use a silica supplement which helps my hair and nails, takes a couple of months to notice a difference but worth it.
Use a light perfumed body lotion after showering to help with the body odours.
Have you had the vaginal discharge checked by your doctor, just to make sure no infection there, as this could produce strange smells.
Drink lots of water, this helps everything!
Look after yourself, it is a distressing time for us to get through, we have to take time to help ourselves feel better. And keep chatting here x