merina coil

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Hi, I too found this site by accident while looking for information on the merina coil. I am due to have one fitted in the next month or so after being told by my consultant that its the best thing since sliced bread !! The reason for having one is anaemia and heavy periods also I had a scan which showed I had an enlarged uterus and numerous fibroids. My first thought was great a hysterectomy ( I am 47), no more problems, but no the MAN I saw said this coil would gradually stop my periods and shrink the fibroids. After reading everyones experiences on this subject I dont want a coil. I put weight on after giving up smoking 18 months ago, I cant afford to put on any more. I have mood swings already !! I dont want to bleed everyday and I certainly dont want spots. It was quite frightening to read as it seems that very few of you are happy with this thing. I think I might push for a hysterectomy unless anyone can recommend a b etter alternative ?

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6 Replies

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    I had the merina fitted 2 and a half years ago, first 2 years were super, no bleeding but some weight gain. Went for a check up 6 months ago and doctor could not find the threads, therefore I was referred for a scan where they located the coil and then on to a specialist a few weeks later where I had it removed. He said leave my body for 6 weeks to get back to normal and then either have another one fitted or go on the mini pill Mini pill is not helping now as too many side effects. Getting back to the merina coil, I would advise anyone to avoid it as I also developed ovarion cysts (which after it was removed, the specialist told me was very common!) and the weight gain was a real problem for me.
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    I had the merina coil fitted briefly a few months ago, and went back to have it taken out only 2 weeks later. I was told it would lessen or stop my heavy periods, and as I was 50 then, the risk of getting pregnant was low anyway. It hurt like hell when the MALE doctor fitted it, I ached for a week after, I bled, and my partner could feel the strings, which put him off totally! I went on the mini pill, and it's bliss, I have no periods at all, no spotting, no mood swings...I feel normal. I know it's different for everyone, but I have 2 friends on the same mini pill, and they are happy with it, too. (And I smoke, which, I know, is awful, but I've still no problems, so it must be ok!) Good luck. :D
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    Hi again, further to my last entry I cancelled my appointment to have the merina fitted. I really felt pressured into it and after reading all your experiences I really didn't want it. Anyway, I had another appointment with the consultant, which was a lady registrar who was lovely. She explained all the options available (unfortunately a hysterectomy wasn't one of them, she said I was too young !!!), she went into greater detail about the coil which I was adamant I didn't want, the other option was tranexamic acid (I don't want to rely on pills), and the final option was ablation (not suitable if you want to get pregnant), which has a very high percentage of success (apparantly). Anyway I've decided on this option and am due to have it done in April. I will let you know how I get on. best wishes to all.
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      Hi. Just wondered if you're still on this site and had the ablation treatment? I had mirena fitted which came out with heavy bleeding 3 weeks later. Have option of having it refitted or have ablation or hysterectomy and wondering which to go for? Not keen on trying the oil again as was uncomfortable the whole time it was in.
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    Had ablation last March after years of problems {heavy periods pain and fibroids} made no difference at all. Had been led to believe no more periods or very light .Still attending specialist who is now recommending Marina coli or Hysterectomy.
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    Hi again, didnt actually get the ablation until June (kept being cancelled !). Anyway, it was quite a quick procedure and there was a reasonable amount of pain afterwards, but it was just like bad period pains. I was told at the time that the closer to the actual womb wall they get the less chance the lining will regrow to give periods. Nothing happened for a couple of days, but then I started losing a watery bloody fluid which wasn't too bad to deal with although it did drag on for a couple of weeks. My stomach did go down slightly which was good as I was looking about six months pregnant. Then bang on time I had my first period, the first day I had period pains from hell, which I dont normally suffer with, and nothing to show for it. Then for the next 4 or 5 days I had a very light flow which only needed a panty liner. This is great I thought, I can deal with this. BUT, 3 weeks later and I have a normal period (not as bad as before but enough to feel that the ablation didnt work).I'm not looking forward to next month ! I have to go back in October to see the consultant, I will let you know how I get on. :?

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