Merry Christmas!

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I know it's been tough for a lot of us this year but I hope everyone enjoyed Christmas with family and friends. I decided to stay in and relax. I did my Christmas shopping early and mainly online this year. I can't do traffic and crowds anymore since my peri symptoms started. I also want to thank everyone on here who has been there to comfort and support me on my posted discussions. I hope and pray 2017 will be a much better year for all of us. Take care and God bless!

3 likes, 13 replies

13 Replies

  • Posted

    Merry Christmas to you too Valerie and here's hoping for a better new year. Stay strong.

  • Posted

    Thank you for your kind wishes Valerie, i send the same back to you! I look forward to 2017 as you say this year has been hard for so many people in lots of different ways. Have a wonderful happy healthy 2017 🌺

  • Posted

    Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to you, as well.  2016 was a difficult year for me, too.  I'll be glad to see the new one!  smile

  • Posted

    Hi Valarie, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you smile We did the same as you.....stayed home yesterday and relaxed. I also shopped alot online. It helped so much to have that option available this year. I am also thankful for each every lady on here. What a wonderful support system. Have a great rest of your 2016 and heres to a blessed and safe 2017. Take care and God bless you!

  • Posted

    Merry Christmas and Happy New year Valarie! This day find me doing okay. I was on HRT, but took myself off it after a few weeks. It made me feel awful! Like I had been run over by a truck and my hair was falling out. Feeling better and my hair is no longer falling out. I have to talk to myself every day to keep the anxiety and crazy doom and gloom thoughts at bay. My doctor prescribed me Klonopin and Zoloft. Stop taking the Zoloft, it gave me the shakes, the Klonopin gives me loose stools, so I don't take ot very much. This stupid doctor told me to see a psychiatrist. I told him, " you see a psychiatrist"! Lol. He hasn't been in practice very long and not well versed in menopause issues. I have an appt with a new Doc January 9th. She's female and about 56. I hope she is more understanding. I've found that just because a doctor is female and menopuse age, it doesn't mean they get it. Hang in there ladies!

  • Posted

    Hi Valarie , I can hear you i have had a rough year and am going through perimenopause and its horrible. im 51  have had head and neck cancer and finding it hard to cope, very teary and depressed and anxiety. Its all to much. I couldnt do shops or crowds. I was feeling to runaway from the family and be alone. hope to hear from all with advice.
    • Posted

      Hello cam,

      oh my i feel for you, i wish i could give you a big hug! You are so brave, having all that to deal with, can i say that to feel teary and depressed is normal. You would have to be made of stone not to feel any emotions. I really want you to look after yourself, dont be so hard on yourself. If you need to cry do it, let it out. Do you have good family support?

      Maybe try watching a comedy, listen to soothing music. Sit in the garden if the weather is nice where you are. I am feeling pretty bad just now, but ive not had to deal with cancer, i know i should count my blessings, be positive. Life can be difficult! We have to keep going, small steps each day lead to giant steps! Love to you xx🍀

    • Posted

      Hello Carol,

      Thankyou for replying back, you wouldnt believe it as soon as i seen your reply its like a load has just been dropped of my shoulders. I sending you a big bear hug and sorry  for crying on your shoulder. I listen to soothing music that i downloade on my phone its a zen app. I have 2 boys and they did give me  grief not coping with my cancer, there 23 and 26. Im sorry that you have had to deal with cancer. Can i ask what cancer? I was diadnosed in 2013 with head and neck cancer breast and colon and from 2013 till now have had 6 operations and from november on wards i have all my medical appointment leading up to xmas which i hate. My husband is so supportive and helps me out. My mum helps me too she says i need to be strong and not worry bout the boys and this generation  as they have no respect  . You are right life can be difficult. Also did you have fear im wondering if thats from all the peremenopause.  Im so glad i have been able to open up to you. Im from Adelaide. Take care Carol and sending you lots of love and light Happy New Year xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Cam,

      i am so glad my message helped in some way, you seem like you have been too hard on yourself through all that. If your boys havent been so understanding maybe its because they are scared and they cant deal with the struggle they see you go through. 

      I havent had cancer, ive had CFS for many years but over time i learned to manage that and all the odd symptoms that come and go. Now its menopause, anxiety depression. Im taking prozac in the hope it helps but its taking ages to work, i feel quite awful. I keep thinking positives but naturally its hard to keep cheerful. But im grateful i dont have cancer or any other serious disease. I also feel quite alone.

      we are strong we can get through this together. Im in QLD, going to be a hot day today!

      I send you healing hugs xox

    • Posted

      Thankyou so much for all your  help. I truly believe that the boys are scared and dont handle the struggle. Im on cipramil and do feel like you all alnoe and so fatique cant be bothered eating, its all to hard. My husband is taking me to holiday house on the weekend. I also dont cope with hot weather. its only 24 here and been raining. x

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